Sunday, November 28, 2010

The Brotherhood of Five

This is a good story of assassination and murderous revenge gone awry.  Set on a small island in England, the background of the story spans Europe during the time of Napoleon Bonaparte.  The only drawback to the novel is the Victorian length sentences that the author uses.  I did a word count on one sentence and it ran to 165 words!  I found this to be distracting.  However, I do recommend the book as a read if you enjoy historical murder mysteries.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

The Bishop Must Die

Like a proficient weaver, Micheal Jecks weaves the threads of numerous people and places together to create a great tapestry about England in the early 1300's that would lead to the abdication of a king and the murder of a bishop.  A good read about medieval Europe.

Monday, November 1, 2010

A Visible Darkness

A story of murder and greed.  Greed for military purposes, wealth and historical significances.  Murder for wealth and historical significances.  Combine them into a plot and you have a good story.  The reader is led through the twists and turns of Prussia during the Napoleonic era as Magistrate Stiffeniis attempts to solve a series of murders on the Baltic coast. 

I must say however that you can tell each of the two author's separate contributions to the story as they have slightly different writing styles.

All-in-all a good read.