Monday, December 27, 2010

An Irish Country Christmas

I've been waiting some time to read Patrick Taylor's "An Irish Country Christmas".  It is the third in his "Irish Country Doctor" series.  A very enjoyable read of rural doctoring in Northern Ireland in the 1960's.  I find myself looking forward to the sequels to this book.  I hope that you will, too.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Evil in Return

I've discovered a new author in Elena Forbes.  This novel tells of a serial killer in London, and the reasons behind the serial killings are slowly revealed leading you as the reader to suspect the wrong people throughout.  A thoroughly enjoyable read.

Friday, December 24, 2010


Ensign Edwards is given the task of solving a mysterious death in Upper Canada.  In Don Gutteridge's first novel, young Ensign Edwards discovers that the mysterious death is related to smuggling and that the death is a murder!  The murder leads to the discovery that a suicide was actually a murder, too!  A good read.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Rebels and Traitors

This novel follows four people during the English Civil War, their struggles and their successes.  Author Lindsey Davis explores what it was like for people of each class during the war; how some were humbled and others moved up the social ladder.  Battles are graphically described.  For someone who is not a history buff this would be a heavy read.  For history buffs, on the other hand, an intensely enjoyable read.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Dead Tomorrow

Bodies appear with organs missing in the English Channel.  Who is harvesting them and why?  This is the question posed to Detective Superintendent Roy Grace and his team of investigators.  Two young girls; one suffering from liver failure, one a suitable candidate for liver transplant.  What will happen to each?  Author Peter James has your mind grasping for answers as you delve further into the book.  You will not want to put the book down as the pace picks up towards the culmination.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Wounds of Honour

Marcus has just been posted with the Roman army to Hadrian's Wall.  Unbeknown to him, the Emperor has labelled him a traitor to the Empire.  Fortunately he has unknown friends who will protect him.  He goes on to lead a century of men and earn their respect.  His century fights with him and for him.  A gripping historical novel.  I look forward to its sequel "Arrows of Fury".

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Empire of the Moghul ~ Raiders from the North

This is no historical novel outlining the quick rise to power of the first Moghul emperor.  Author Alex Rutherford tells us of the trials and tribulations of Babur.  This is the story of his early kingship at 13, his conquests, sudden losses of power, more conquests and losses until finally he is given the kingship of Kabul.  From there Babur set out to defend his country and expand its reach into Hindustan.  Well worth the read.