Thursday, March 24, 2011


Jilly Cooper is back in the saddle with her latest book, Jump!  She tells the story of Etta, who is bullied by her husband and children.  Her life changes dramatically, when out for a walk on a winter's night she comes across a horribly mutilated mare.  She is determined to nurse the little horse, which she has named Mrs. Wilkinson, back to health.  Supported by the little village Etta now lives in she just does that.  Mrs. Wilkinson goes on to become a fantastic racehorse and a village syndicate is formed to support her training and racing.  Lots of interesting characters come into the mix and with Cooper's great sense of humour an interesting tale ensues.  A very relaxing and enjoyable read.

Friday, March 11, 2011

A Darker Place

In his most recent novel, "A Darker Place", Jack Higgins slowly and meticulously builds his story to an exciting conclusion.  A Russian Afghan war veteran is set up to seek asylum with the British in order to save his sister from a Siberian Gulag.  He is to become a Russian asset within British security.  Unbeknown to him events are working to make things difficult for him and his new British friends.  The conclusion to this story is well done.  A very good read.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

The Taken

A headless mannequin is pulled from a lake by fishers.  This incident leads to an investigation into a suicide, which in reality is a murder.  A cold case is reopened as a result.  An aging female cop leading the investigation while being led by the nose by a twisted ex-cop.  Inger Ash Wolfe weaves all of these together to assemble an interesting murder scenario in small town Ontario.  The ending catches the reader completely by surprise.

Friday, March 4, 2011

The Forgotten Garden

Everyone wants to know where they came from; their roots, their family history.  Kate Morton creates a mystery that an Australian granddaughter sets out to solve.  Her grandmother had shown up in Australia in 1913 aboard a ship, alone.  She was taken in by the harbour master and his wife.  On her 21st birthday the man she new as her father revealed the truth of who she was, setting in motion the unravelling of a mystery that would take almost a century to solve.  A good read.