Saturday, May 28, 2011

The Snowman

Nesbo feeds you tidbits of information as Harry Hole goes about sleuthing for The Snowman, who is someone who kills only at the time of the first snowfall.  As you chew and ruminate on the tidbit, you find that it isn't enough of a taste, you need more.  And you get more; but only a tidbit.  The new taste confuses you.  Why does the Snowman build a snowman in front of the house where he plans to commit murders?  Why does he label the women he murders "whores"?  Is the paternity of the children of these women an issue?  Your mind runs amok with all of the clues he drops, until at the very end, you become aware of who the murderer is.  Will he achieve his goal of a final double murder?

Read on my friends!

Monday, May 23, 2011


Once you pick up a book by Jo Nesbo, it is hard to put it down until you finish it.

A well planned bank robbery is pulled off in Oslo, but at the last minute the robber kills one of the workers in the bank.  Harry Hole is assigned to the case because of the murder; unfortunately he has to work with the Robberies Unit, which seems to hinder his portion of the investigation.

Meantime an old flame commits suicide on the evening after Harry has a meal with her.  Harry has no recollection of the meal or how he got home from the meal.  His investigation of the suicide points to a possible murder and with him as a possible suspect.

Once again Nesbo twines the plot this way and that leaving it until the last pages before all is revealed.  I am looking forward to reading his next book.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

The Redbreast

Right from the start, Jo Nesbo has you wondering.  What does the apparent attempted assassination of the President of the United States have to do with the story?  What does a story from World War II have to do with the story?  But, as you read along, Nesbo carefully weaves and ties all of the clues into one incredible murder mystery. 

Another book you won't want to put down until you have read every last word.

Friday, May 20, 2011

The Redeemer

WOW!  This is the first book I have read by Jo Nesbo and it impresses me.  I have found an author who writes an exciting murder mystery that has so many intertwining stories that one is left guessing as to what is exactly going on.

The Redeemer is a hired assassin who comes to Oslo to kill one person, only to accidentally kill the supposed victim's brother.  Kept from fleeing by a blizzard, the assassin discovers in the newspaper that he killed the wrong person.  Meantime, Harry Hole, the policeman assigned to investigate the murder is on the hunt, only to find himself being hunted in turn.

A mystery you will thoroughly enjoy reading.

Sunday, May 15, 2011


Another excellent book by Arnaldur Indridason.

Erlendur has the responsibility for dealing with an apparent suicide.  A friend of the victim tells him that the victim was not one to commit suicide and Erlendur is set to wondering and questioning.  Meantime he is also investigating two missing persons who seem to have gone missing at the same time, yet not have had any connection.  One case provides ideas for the others.

Well written, and an intriguing mystery, a book you won't want to put down.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Darkness at the Stroke of Noon

Sergeant Kennison of the RCMP has recently been transferred to Yellowknife.  He is sent to investigate an accident involving two deaths at an archeological dig further north.  Something has been discovered at this site involving Franklin's missing expedition which will lead to murder.  Kennison has to investigate in the total darkness of the Arctic night while shadowy figures watch his every move.  I found that I could not put this book down.  A Canadian novel, by a Canadian novelist, which looks at Canadian sovereignty in the Arctic.

Author Dennis Richard Murphy has written a real page turner here.  Unfortunately, Murphy passed away shortly after completing this novel. 

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Red Wolf

Liza Marklund is a new author for me.  Her book Red Wolf is set in Sweden and involves reporter Annika Bengtzon who is researching a crime story that happened 40 years earlier.  Her research would lead her onto the trail of a deadly psychopath who is murdering people connected to the original crime.  Meantime, her own marriage is on the rocks.  She needs to balance her children, her marriage and her determined research.  Marklund's writing keeps you involved.  Well worth the read.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Murder on London Bridge

Susanna Gregory has Thomas Chaloner once again working as a spy for the Earl of Clarendon.  In February 1664 he discovers that London's coffee houses are rife with rumours and plots against the Clarendon Code, which restricts religious freedom.  Interwoven plots, and fiends are working to put an end to the Clarendon Code, even if it results in death and destruction.  Can Chaloner discover who is behind the plots in time to prevent the fanatics from achieving their goals?  Can the reader work out who is behind the plots before Chaloner?  Read on!