Saturday, May 28, 2011

The Snowman

Nesbo feeds you tidbits of information as Harry Hole goes about sleuthing for The Snowman, who is someone who kills only at the time of the first snowfall.  As you chew and ruminate on the tidbit, you find that it isn't enough of a taste, you need more.  And you get more; but only a tidbit.  The new taste confuses you.  Why does the Snowman build a snowman in front of the house where he plans to commit murders?  Why does he label the women he murders "whores"?  Is the paternity of the children of these women an issue?  Your mind runs amok with all of the clues he drops, until at the very end, you become aware of who the murderer is.  Will he achieve his goal of a final double murder?

Read on my friends!

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