Tuesday, October 23, 2012

The Road to Rome

Romulus returns in the third of Ben Kane's "The Lost Legion" series.  He has to fight his way out of Alexandra while joining Caesar's legions.  Unfortunately he loses his comrade Tarquinius in the battle.  On the other hand, he did see that his twin sister Fabiola is still alive.

Fabiola is the lover of Brutus and when the two return to Rome, she purchases the old brothel where she once worked.  However, on the day she does that, she runs into her old nemesis, Scaevola.  As much as she is frightened by him, she is still determined to achieve her goal; the death of Caesar.

Unbeknownst to Romulus, his friend Tarquinius did survive the battle in Alexandria.  Romulus has made a new friend in Caesar's 28th, Petronius.  Together they fight in a major battle, where Romulus is grievously injured.  That injury leads to the revelation that he was once a slave.  He and Petronius are jailed as a result and will be used as gladiators in Caesar's victory games in Rome.  Meantime Tarquinius is also bound for Rome.  Would the Fates bring them all back together?  Only time will tell.

Kane has put together a great historical novel full of adventure and lots of tension, which culminates on the Ides of March.  Well worth the read.

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