Friday, May 31, 2013

Blood in the Water

Dr. Elizabeth Clarke has an unexpected visitor call upon her at her home in Edinburgh.  the following morning she is found dead in her house with her throat slit.  A piece of paper with the word 'unreliable' written on it was found near the body.  DS Alice Rice and DS Alastair Watt are assigned to investigate.

The next evening, Sammy McBryde is found dead in similar circumstances, with the word 'worthless' written on a piece of paper near the body.  Coincidence?  Not too likely.  What are the links to the two cases?

The next victim, David Pearson, QC is found in a park in the pouring rain.  The note in his pocket states 'misleading'.  During their investigation of Pearson's murder Rice and Watt find out that he had once had an affair with Dr. Clarke.  It isn't long after that, that Pearson's current lover is murdered.  Again a piece of paper is found alongside the victim, this time with 'untrustworthy' written on it.

Rice has a friend who is an advocate.  He finds a case which ties all of the victims together.  A new, solid suspect is now in the picture.  It is just a matter of finding him now.

A good first murder mystery by author Gillian Galbraith.


It is 1286;  King Alexander of Scotland has just died falling from his horse.  He has no issue to follow in his footsteps.  The nobility must prevent civil war and decide on a new king or queen.  They want to support Alexander's chosen, seven year old Margaret, the Maid of Norway.  However, others want John Balliol.  The nobility may look to support from King Edward of England.

Young Robert Bruce is aware of the negotiations with England to have Margaret marry six year old Prince Edward of England.  What he is unaware of is Comyn's and Balliol's plans to prevent that from occurring.  When Margaret dies on her way to Scotland, Balliol declares himself king.  Bruce's grandfather declares against this action

King Edward's wife Eleanor dies days after Margaret, but this doesn't stop him from planning to take care of Scotland.  He would settle who would be king of the Scots, while proving that he was overlord of them.  The Bruces were not impressed when Balliol was chosen to be king.  Robert's grandfather resigns his hereditary title to his son, who in turns resigns them to Robert.  The purpose is to strengthen the claim on the throne.

King Edward gathers his forces to fight King Phillipe of France,  however before he can move his forces to France, the Welsh rise up in rebellion.  Robert and other Scottish lords join him.  Edward's victory is swift because of an error on the part of the Scottish army.  To complete his victory, Edward takes the Stone of Scone to London.

Edward's taxation of the Scottish people devastates them.  An uprising occurs under the leadership of William Wallace.  Robert Bruce decides that enough is enough.  He decides not to join Wallace in the insurrection, but rather to fight to become King of Scotland in his own right.  Yet, there are many things in the way.  Wallace has had great success, and king Edward prepares to invade Scotland.

Insurrection is well written, author Robyn Young has researched the topic well and created an entertaining and thrilling story about The Bruce for fans of historical novels.  It is a book that is hard to put down.  I am looking forward to reading the next instalment in this trilogy.

Friday, May 24, 2013

The Ghosts of Belfast

Gerry Fegan has ghosts visiting him.  They number twelve, some are soldiers or police, but there are four civilians in the ghostly group that are with him.  All people he was involved in killing during The Troubles.  They torment his waking hours.  One of the ghosts, a young boy, indicates to Fegan that he should kill Michael McKenna, the man who had beaten him before Fegan did the final kill shot.  Fegan wonders if the boy will leave him alone if he does the deed?  The ghost nods.

The death of McKenna could potentially destabilise the peace in Northern Ireland.  South of the border, there are some that are very happy with the death of McKenna.

However, the ghosts of Belfast are not done with Fegan.  Two UDR men want him to kill a mobster named Caffola.  Using the background of a riot a day prior to the funeral of McKenna, Fegan does the deed.  Now only nine ghosts remain.

Dave Campbell is working under cover in the south, but he knows the trouble makers in the north.  As a result if Caffola's death, his handlers want him back in the north.  He returns and is tasked with getting rid of Fegan.  It doesn't take long for him to realise the state of Fegan's mind.

Another death and only six ghosts live in Fegan's mind.  A man he thought he could trust betrayed him, and it cost the man his life.  Next it is a cop who provided the revolutionaries with another cop's name for execution.  Only five ghosts remain now.  But Campbell has Fegan's girlfriend and her daughter.

How will Fegan save the two and can he get rid of his remaining ghosts?  Stuart Neville has written an excellent, fast paced thriller.  I found that I could not put the book down.  I recommend it to anyone who enjoys this kind of book.

Thursday, May 23, 2013


In 1984 PC Alan McAlpine has been given the task of sitting near the hospital bed of a young woman who has had acid splashed in her face.  She is in a coma, and Alan's DCI Graham wants him to be near when she regains consciousness.

McAlpine searches the woman's bedsit and possessions to try to find something out about her, but there is nothing.  As he waits by her side he tries to get to know her, which is against police procedure.  He is pulled from the case by Graham.  Later Interpol identifies her, and provides the fact that she was involved in a diamond heist.  The question is, where are the missing diamonds?

By 2006 McAlpine has reached the rank of DCI.  The body of a woman has been found in a crucifix form, and eviscerated.  This is the second such murder in a very short time.  Now he finds himself back in the old station where he had been involved in the original inquiry.  Memories flood back.

DI Colin Anderson, DS Winifred Costello and DC Vik Mulholland have been assigned to McAlpine's team.  Anderson and Costello have worked with McAlpine in the past, however Mulholland isn't impressed.  His wealthy background gives him arrogance.

During McAlpine's investigation he comes across a minister who knew the victim of the 1984 acid attack.  It brings memories and demons tumbling back.

It is a dark and stormy night when the third body is found.  McAlpine gives Costello quiet orders to investigate a prime suspect.  He wants the others on the team focussing on other matters for the time being.  An attempt is made on McAlpine's wife, fortunately she survives the attack.  From that point on, author Caro Ramsay speeds up the action taking the reader to the ultimate and surprising conclusion.  An excellent read, hard to put down.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Come the Fear

It is 1733 in Leeds, so a bucket brigade is needed when a fire breaks out in anold house.  Fortunately the family that had lived there had moved out sometime earlier.  However, when Richard Nottingham, Constable of Leeds, investigates the fire the next day he discovers a body of a woman, with a foetus torn out of her body.

Hezekiah Walton, a thief taker, arrives at Nottingham's office the following morning.  He tells Richard that he is looking for a family called the Coopers.  Nottingham feels that his story doesn't ring true.

John Sedgwick, Nottingham's deputy, and Rob Lister find during their investigation that there was a man outside the burned building in the wee hours just before the fire.  Later in the day, a woman awaits Nottingham at the jail.  She says that her 16 year old daughter is missing.  She had worked as a servant, and been dismissed.  When Nottingham questions the employer, he finds out that the girl was pregnant when she was dismissed.  Now they have a name for the victim.

Crime doesn't stop for the murder of a young lass, so the Constable and his men had other things to contend with besides.  House break ins seemed to be on the rise.  A young boy is snatched, but found unharmed.  However, there is a threatening letter found in his pocket.  It isn't long after that, that Sedgwick's own son, James disappears.

The team of investigators work hard to find James, the murderer and the child snatcher.  Author Chris Nickson brings the story to an exciting and shocking conclusion.  It has made me want to immediately read the next book in the series.

Monday, May 20, 2013

The Excursion Train

Inspector Robert Colbeck of Scotland Yard, and Sergeant Victor Leeming have been assigned to investigate a murder on an excursion train by Superintendent Tallis.  Those on the train had gone outside London to take in a bare knuckle fight.  One man was garrotted.  Colbeck finds out that a woman may have been involved.  He also discovers that the. Victim was a hangman.

Colbeck turns to his girlfriend Madeleine Andrews for help.  He is able, with Madeleine's help, to get into the hangman's private sanctum.  There he discovers a note threatening the hangman's life.  The note points Colbeck and Leeming in a possible direction.

Colbeck's investigation takes him to the prison at Maidstone where ge looks into the hanging of Nathan Hawkshaw.  There he discovers why Hawkshaw was hung and the circumstances surrounding it.  Colbeck wondered about the guilt or innocence of Hawkshaw.

It is while the two detectives are in Ashford, that the chaplain from the Maidstone prison is murdered in the same manner as the original victim.  He is the second person directly connected to the Hawkshaw case.  Could the prosecutor be next?

As the investigation progresses further, the information that Colbeck and Leeming put together point to the true culprit and his accomplice.  A thoroughly enjoyable, quick read by author Edward Marston.


Fra Ferdinand has recovered La Malice, a magnificent sword.  However, he is not the only one who wants it.  A priest, Father Marchant, searches for it, hoping to acquire it so its power can be used for the Church.

Brother Michael has been sent from Carlisle to Avignon with a message for Le Batard.  He finds the man embroiled in a battle for a castle.  Le Batard leads a group of mercenaries known as the Hellequin, or the devil's beloved.  The Earl of Northampton wants Le Batard aka Thomas Hookton, to find La Malice and bring it to him.

The Lord of Douglas has come from Scotland to help the French fight the English.  He is frustrated by the lack of initiative shown by King Jean.  He is also frustrated by his nephew Robbie's refusal to fight the English.

Cardinal Bessieres creates The Order of the Fisherman to acquire the sword.  He gets Robbie to be the first knight of the order by showing him that his oath to Thomas is invalid.  Father Marchant is to be the guiding light of the order.

Hookton goes south to Montpellier in search of information.  There his wife, Genevieve and son, Hugh, are taken captive by Roland de Verrec, a knight who believes in chivalry.  Hookton must find a way to get them back.  Later, Hookton and his entourage fall into a trap while looking for La Malice.  Fortunately, before anything can happen, Hookton and his entourage are saved.  He and his archers join the Black Prince's forces.

Edward, Prince of Wales, the Black Prince, is cornered by France's King Jean at Poitiers.  Negotiations lead to Edward being offered the chance to be taken hostage and ransomed.  However, the French decide to attack instead.  They vastly outnumber the English.  All of author Bernard Cornwell's characters take part in this major battle.  It provides an exciting conclusion to this historical novel.  I was unable to put it down because it was so gripping.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

The Merry Devils

Westfield's Men are preparing to put on a play entitled The Merry Devils at the Queen's Head in London.  On the opening day, the two little devils play their part perfectly, but are suddenly and unexpectedly joined by a third devil onstage!  The devil performs a bit and as suddenly as it had appeared, it disappears.  Fortunately the cast is able to save the rest of the play.

Nick Bracewell, the company's book holder, is determined to figure out how the third devil appeared on the scene.  Meantime Firethorn, the leading actor, works to maintain the mystique of the play.  Unfortunately the group's patron forces them to put the play on again.  Can they manage it?

The next play the group puts on at another theatre is called "Cupid's Folly", a rollicking comedy.  Unfortunately one of the actors is injured when the May pole collapses.  Bracewell is sure it has been sawn through with the intent to cause injury.  Westfield's Men have an enemy for sure.

Ralph Willoughby, one of the co-authors of the Merry Devils, is sure that he is responsible for the devil's appearance. As Bracewell prepares for the next performance of the Merry Devios he is surprised when a devil appears through one of the stage's trapdoors.  Before he can do anything, it appears through the other trapdoor, or is it a second devil?  Once again misfortune strikes the cast when one of the players dies before his entrance.

Bracewell is wrongly imprisoned one night.  While in prison he has time to think why, and to think on who the target of the attacks is.  He also accidentally gains some useful information while there.  The truth that Bracewell discovers is shocking to everyone involved.

Author Edward Marston has written another Elizabethan murder mystery full of guile and intrigue.  He presents lots of suspense as the story draws to a conclusion.  A very good read.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Death of a Cave Dweller

Eddie Barnes, a guitarist with The Seagulls, has just been electrocuted by his amp.  It is classified as a murder.  For the Liverpool police it is going to be a difficult murder to solve, so Scotland Yard is called.  DI Charlie Woodend and DS Bob Rutter are assigned the case.

Woodend finds out that there had been a Battle of the Bands night, the night before Barnes was killed.  This puts several other groups in the picture, as well as the members of The Seagulls.

Concern is increased for the group when the manager of The Seagulls receives a not through his mail slot threatening the group.  Woodend finds out from the editor of a local music newspaper that Barnes was planning on leaving the group.  It isn't long after that that the manager is beaten very badly.

Both Woodend and Rutter have different suspects in mind, as does Inspector Hopgood, the liaison from the Liverpool police.  It is only when Woodend sees an advertisement in the music rag for a lead guitarist for The Seagulls that the replacement guitarist's life was in jeopardy.  It also allowed him to figure out who the culprit was.

Once again Sally Spencer has put together an excellent murder mystery in the Inspector Woodend series.  I look forward to reading the next in the series.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Sails on the Horizon

It is 1797 and Second Lieutenant Charles Edgemont, his ship The Argonaut are in battle with the Spanish.  As the battle ensues, men are killed, including the captain.  Sudden,y Edgemont is now in charge of the ship.  The Argonaut is in diar straits when she is raked with cannon shot by Santa Brigida.  Edgemont vows revenge for the carnage left when the Santa Brigida flees.

Daniel Bevan,the first Lieutenant, and Stephen Winchester, the midshipman are both raised in rank after he battle.  Admiral Jervis assigns Edgemont as acting commander to the Louisa,  he requests to take Bevan and Winchester with him.  Edgemont's share of the prize money after the battle is substantial and he is able to lend sufficient to his brother to maintain the home of the family.

Edgemont is given temporary charge of a brig in Liverpool while waiting for his own ship.  Unfortunately he finds that the Lomond is in bad shape as are the crew.  He sets to righting the deficiencies immediately, but chafes at the bit because there are no orders from the admiralty.

It isn't long after that, that the Channel Fleet mutinies and Edgemont, Bevan, and Winchester are ordered to Plymouth to their new posting, the Louisa.  When they arrive at their new ship, they find it inadequately equipped and lacking men.  When they do set sail for the Mediterranean, they have a very motley crew.

The time at sea is good for training the crew.  They are assigned to stay near Corunna.  The Santa Brigida is discovered in port.  Edgemont draws her out for a minor skirmish.  After the skirmish, the Louisa returns to Portsmouth for re-supply.  Admiral Jervis needs the Louisa back as soon as possible.  He orders Edgemont and the crew back on the day Edgemont gets married.

Author Jay Worrall has given the reader a glimpse of life in the British navy in the late eighteenth century in "Sails on the Horizon".  His descriptions of battles are explicit.  A good read for naval history buffs.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Working Girls

Fifteen year old Michelle Lucas has been found with her throat slashed in a park near her school in Birmingham.  From the look of it, she was on the game.  DS Beverly Morriss is one of the first officers on the scene along with Detective Superintendent Byford.  They are sickened by what has happened to the young girl.

Vicki Flinn is a mate of Michelle's, and is also on the game, but she doesn't have a pimp.  When she finds out what has happened to Michelle, she is happy to help find out who did this.

Later in the morning Byford gets an anonymous call from a man threatening to clean up the streets of prostitutes.  He claims that the people of the area in which Michelle was killed are tired of the used condoms, noise and other issues that the prostitutes bring.  They will do something if the cops don't.

Morriss' interview of Flinn provides the name of Michelle's pimp; Charlie Hawes.  Unfortunately his whereabouts is an unknown.  However, within 24 hours another girl is beaten within an inch of her life.  She is one of Hawes' working girls and a close friend of Michelle's, and Flinn has gone missing.  That same night, Morriss is mugged.  Meantime Hawes is busy.

It isn't long after this that another body is discovered in the same location.  This time the dead girl is the daughter of a cop.  When a man comes forward and admits to both murders, Morriss doesn't buy it, not even with his superior knowledge of the crime scenes and victims.

The case comes to a surprising close when the badly beaten girl provides Morriss with information.  Author Maureen Carter has written an exciting thriller, a very good read and I look forward to reading more of her works.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Farewell to Freedom

A young woman has been found with her throat slashed in an area of Copenhagen known for prostitutes.  Detective Louise Rick is at the crime scene.  Her colleague, Michael Stig, quickly assesses the young woman as an Eastern European whore.

Camilla Lind is in for her Monday morning editor's meeting when she receives a call from her son, Markus.  He and a friend have just found an abandoned baby on the floor of a church.  At the church, Camilla discovers that the baby is a little girl, not more than a day old.  She awaits with the pastor until the police and the EMTs arrive to take the child to the hospital.

As Rick, and her partner, Lars Jorgensen, begin their investigation, they learn about the seedier side of  prostitution in Copenhagen.  They also get information about a pair of Albanian brothers who are running a prostitution ring, bringing in girls, and threatening them with their lives, a case of human trafficking.  The girls say farewell to freedom at that point.

Purely by accident, Camilla comes across a man who has information about the murder.  He will not speak to the police for fear of his own life.  She passes the information on to the police.  A short time later her source is found brutally murdered.  How did anyone find out who her source was?

A new twist is thrown into the story when Camilla stumbles on another infant in the church when she went there to prepare it for the funeral of her source.  This time the infant is dead.

As the investigation continues, it proves that the two stories are linked.  Unfortunately for Camilla it comes to a shocking end.  Rick is also caught completely off guard.

Author Sara Blaedel has written a graphic novel about murder and human trafficking, an intense read.  Thoroughly enjoyable.

Monday, May 6, 2013


Bud Lawson has reported his 18 year old daughter as missing to DI Jack Laidlaw, even though she has only been gone overnight.  Lawson has a temper on him and is known to the police.  Laidlaw calmly tells him to go home and wait.  She may show up yet.  Unfortunately she later showed up dead.

Bud wants only one thing, and that is to get his hands on the person who did this to Jennifer.

DC Harkness is assigned to work with Laidlaw, but the pair will be outside of the main investigation.  Harkness' job will also be to liaise with DI Milligan, who is in charge of the investigation.  The first person they want to speak to is Harry Rayburn, owner of the place Jennifer was last seen.  After meeting Rayburn, they feel that he is hiding something.

Laidlaw and Harkness meet up with one of the kingpins of the Glaswegian crime world, John Rhodes, and ask him to help in finding the perpetrator of the crime.  What they don't know is that one of Bud Lawson's friends has already asked for the same thing.

Laidlaw gets the truth out of Jennifer's friend, Sarah.  They weren't where she had said they had been, Jennifer was actually with a guy.

Meantime, Harry Rayburn is attempting to protect the culprit for reasons of his own, while his silent partner, Matt Mason, is out to fix things, and not the way Harry wants them fixed.  Rhodes is also on the hunt for the culprit.  As Laidlaw and Harkness gain their information, they get closer to their quarry.  Who will get there first?

Author William McIlvanney has put together a thrilling murder mystery set in Glasgow.  Right from the get go, the reader knows who the murderer is, however we don't know how or whether he will be caught.  A very good read.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Marbeck and the Double Dealer

Marbeck is a spy in Her Majesty's service.  Sir Robert Cecil is his spymaster.  Cecil has found out that one of their spies is a double dealer working for the Spanish with the code name "Mulberry".  Cecil has several in mind, and as a result can't trust any incoming messages.  He assigns Marbeck to find the double dealer.

Marbeck's investigation reveals news that the Spanish are planning a new attack on England, not using an armada, but rather coming across from the lowlands.  Cecil suddenly orders Marbeck to Brittany.  There he finds news of the Spanish; their target may not be the west of England, but rather Ireland.  He needs to travel further into France to get more information.

Marbeck is captured, regarded as a spy.  Has the woman, who had been providing information, become a double dealer, or was she already one?  He is punished in his effort to find out, and upon escaping, now it is time to travel to Paris.  Upon reaching Paris, Marbeck quickly comes to the conclusion that he must immediately return to London.

London is not safe for Marbeck.  He is set upon and an attempt is made to turn him.  He must tell Cecil and face the consequences.  What ensues is intrigue and violence as Marbeck works to find the threat to England.

Author John Pilkington has written an excellent thriller, set in Elizabethan times, which is both exciting and a fun read.  I look forward to reading sequels.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Where Death Delights

Richard Pryor and Anglea Bray have just established a laboratory in Wales.  He has just come back from 10 years in Singapore following the war, and she has become disillusioned with the medical system in London.  Together they want to create a new start.  They have employed Sian Lloyd as a lab tech. 

Their first case is trying to identify who a partial skeleton  belongs to.  Unfortunately the bones have already been buried.  They only have the coroner's report and word of mouth to go on.  They gain the help of Trevor Mitchell, a retired detective.  Business starts to boom as word gets out about their new business.

Richard is given another case of suspected drowning.  However, the father of the victim has difficulty accepting that verdict.  He wants a second post mortem carried out by Richard.

They are able to eliminate one person as the possible victim in the first case.  They need more information to be able to eliminate another.  The other major investigation, after Richard conducts a second post mortem, points to a possible murder, which also requires more information.  It is when another drowning occurs that fresh evidence appears.

Author Bernard Knight has given the reader many insights into pathology, the biology related to it, the legal background related to sudden deaths and investigations.  A thoroughly enjoyable read.  I highly recommend this book and am looking forward to reading the next in this series.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Winding up the Serpent

Newly minted DI Joanna Piercy has a sudden death on her hands.  A nurse didn't show up at work, the neighbour and staff at the clinic where she worked were concerned.  When the police entered her home, she is found splayed on her bed, very scantily clad.  Suicide or murder? Piercy is sure it is murder.  DS Mike Korpanski feels that it is an accidental death due to drugs, but then he resents Piercy because she got the appointment and he didn't.

The pathologist is unable to find a cause of death.  He points out that the corpse had had numerous surgical augmentations.  He doesn't believe it is murder, but must await lab reports on samples taken from the body.

The victim lived in a house that was beyond the means of a nurse.  She led everyone to believe that when her mother died, she had come into an inheritance.  She also told her neighbour that she had a boyfriend who was married, although the neighbour didn't believe her.  Piercy begins to wonder if blackmail was the source of her income.

As the investigation comes to its final conclusion, Piercy discovers much more than she had anticipated.  An enjoyable murder mystery by author Priscilla Masters, and a quick read.