Friday, May 31, 2013


It is 1286;  King Alexander of Scotland has just died falling from his horse.  He has no issue to follow in his footsteps.  The nobility must prevent civil war and decide on a new king or queen.  They want to support Alexander's chosen, seven year old Margaret, the Maid of Norway.  However, others want John Balliol.  The nobility may look to support from King Edward of England.

Young Robert Bruce is aware of the negotiations with England to have Margaret marry six year old Prince Edward of England.  What he is unaware of is Comyn's and Balliol's plans to prevent that from occurring.  When Margaret dies on her way to Scotland, Balliol declares himself king.  Bruce's grandfather declares against this action

King Edward's wife Eleanor dies days after Margaret, but this doesn't stop him from planning to take care of Scotland.  He would settle who would be king of the Scots, while proving that he was overlord of them.  The Bruces were not impressed when Balliol was chosen to be king.  Robert's grandfather resigns his hereditary title to his son, who in turns resigns them to Robert.  The purpose is to strengthen the claim on the throne.

King Edward gathers his forces to fight King Phillipe of France,  however before he can move his forces to France, the Welsh rise up in rebellion.  Robert and other Scottish lords join him.  Edward's victory is swift because of an error on the part of the Scottish army.  To complete his victory, Edward takes the Stone of Scone to London.

Edward's taxation of the Scottish people devastates them.  An uprising occurs under the leadership of William Wallace.  Robert Bruce decides that enough is enough.  He decides not to join Wallace in the insurrection, but rather to fight to become King of Scotland in his own right.  Yet, there are many things in the way.  Wallace has had great success, and king Edward prepares to invade Scotland.

Insurrection is well written, author Robyn Young has researched the topic well and created an entertaining and thrilling story about The Bruce for fans of historical novels.  It is a book that is hard to put down.  I am looking forward to reading the next instalment in this trilogy.

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