Saturday, June 8, 2013


DI Paul Hjelm has just diffused a hostage taking at the immigration centre.  unfortunately in the process he wounds thnpe hostage taker.  Fortunately,  no on else is hurt.  However, Hjelm is suspended for his actions.

Shortly afterwards Hjelm is approached by Detective Superintendent Jan-Olov Hultin who asks him to join a newly formed special branch of the police.  They are tasked with finding whoever is assassinating key players in the Swedish business world.  Two shots to the head, and retrieval of the bullets.

The A-Unit consists of only six members plus Hultin, who is in charge.  The members are paired off and given tasks to investigate.  Hjelm has three possible links the victims have to look into.  When the team meets next, they have very few links, however Hjelm has a potential victim they plan on guarding that night.

The plan doesn't work, as another victim goes down in similar circumstances.  However, this time one of the bullets is not retrieved.  Why not?  The team is now looking at two angles; the Russian mafia and business.  However, the investigation stalls when there are no new murders; for sometime, that is.  This time the murderer is interrupted in his routine.  Both bullets are left behind, as is the jazz tape he listens to after he kills.

A sudden inspiration turns into a lead for Hjelm and two of his team members.  They discover evidence that ties things together and gives them the name of the culprit.  While they are on the hunt, another murder occurs, and one of their team members is shot, but at a different place.

The culprit calls Hjelm to warn him off.  This leads the team to believe they know who the next victim is going to be.  Unfortunately he is missing.  A frantic search begins.

Author Arne Dahl has written a tremendous page turner here.  It is full of excitement and a wonderful read.  I am looking forward to the two sequels in this trilogy.

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