Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Chambers of Death

Elizabeth, Prioress of Tyndal, is returning home when she and her entourage are caught in a freezing rain storm.  Fortunately they manage to gain shelter at the manor of the Earl of Lincoln.  Unfortunately, one of the young ladies in the group is gravely ill.

The following morning, while looking out a window, the prioress sees a woman in the embrace of a man.  Seconds later they break apart as a group of riders enter the manor yard.  The woman greets her newly arrived husband.

The following morning the man in charge of the stable is found with his throat slit.  The sheriff is called and following his brief investigation, he accuses the cook, and she is put in a small hut to await transportation to jail.  That night she is attacked and stabbed in the back.  Discovered in the morning, she still lives, but barely.

The following morning, the steward's wife is found hanging in the stable.  Brother Thomas is convinced that it is not suicide.  Little does he know that another death will occur shortly.  How will he and Eleanor solve these murders when there are so many suspects?  A surprising confession does it for them.

Author Priscilla Royal has presented another historical murder mystery in an easy and quick reading format.  Enjoy!

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