Sunday, January 26, 2014

The Field of Swords

Caesar is now in Spain in this third volume in the Emperor Series by Conn Iggulden.  Servilia, Brutus' mother has also arrived, creating complications for the young general.

Upon returning to Rome, Julius puts his name forward for Consul.  Unexpectedly he comes away as a member of a triumvirate with Pompey and Crassus.  He also gains the opportunity to take his legions to untamed Gaul.  Julius' new power and a conflict with Servilia creates tension between him and Brutus.  However, Caesar finds a new friend on the border with Gaul, Mark Anthony.

As Caesar conquers Gaul, the battle for the control of Rome continues in the senate and amongst the people.  After riots break out in Rome between various factions, Pompey is forced to take on the role of Dictator.  Meantime Caesar has invaded Britain, leaving a small force behind to hold Gaul.  A rebel leader by the name of Vercingetorix feels it is time to take Gaul back.

Caesar has Vercingetorix surrounded in the hill forts at Alesia when Vercingetorix's brother brings a huge army to relieve him.  Is this to be the end of Rome's dominance of Gaul?

Author Conn Iggulden has written an excellent history of Caesar's career in Gaul, up to his decision to cross The Rubicon.  It is an enjoyable read for someone who likes historical novels.

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