Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Red to Black

Finn works for the British embassy in Moscow.  Moscow's attempts to honey trap him have had no success until they send Anna.  He is quite taken by Anna, but she is also taken by him.  Before long, they are working together.

When Putin comes to power, Finn rails against the Russian people for allowing this former KGB agent to become their leader.  He also rails against his own country for supporting Putin.  He seems to be going off the tracks, but Anna understands that he he is doing it on purpose.  He seems to have something in mind.

After Finn is taken back to Britain, and interrogated he resumes a normal lifestyle for a bit.  However, he then goes feral, and heads to Germany where he meets up with Dieter, a former agent of the BND.  He is searching for information on East German agents and their connection to Putin.

It is the events of 9-11 that change things forever.  Finn knows that President Bush will now focus in Iraq, thereby leaving Putin to do as he pleases.  He also fears that Anna's controllers will try to create a wedge between the two of them.

Author Alex Dryden has written an excellent thriller based on his knowledge and experiences as a journalist in Russia.  It opens the reader's eyes to how Putin came to power and has maintained that power through international intrigue.  A very good read.  I am looking forward to the sequel, "Moscow Sting".

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