Wednesday, February 11, 2015

The Good Suicides

Inspector Hector Salgado has been called out to a metro station in Barcelona byAgent Roger Fort at 2:00 a. m. to investigate an apparent suicide.  Salgado is not impressed until Fort shows him the victim's cell phone which contains a single text message with a photo.

Meantime a pregnant Agent Leire Castro is bored with her maternity leave, so she requests permission to help with the investigation into Salgado's missing wife.  She studies the case file and makes preliminary notes.

Fort has discovered a picture at the victim's flat, and it shows a fellow employee who had killed his wife and daughter and then committed suicide.  He and Salgado wonder if the two suicides are connected.  The picture is of a group of eight employees from a firm on a retreat.  It comes into play once again when a third member of the group dies ten days later of an apparent suicide.  Salgado is sure that the remaining members of the group are hiding something.

Salgado slowly puts together things that will help him solve these apparent suicides in Antonio Hill's second novel.  However, will Castro be able to solve the mystery of Salgado's missing wife before the birth of her child?  A thoroughly good read.

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