Friday, August 28, 2015

The First Horseman

Thomas Treviot, a goldsmith in the city of London has had a series of bad things that have gone wrong in his life recently.  However, shortly after this, he is abducted and a ransom demanded for his release.  Can life get any worse?

Meantime, Henry VIII has decided to begin taking over the smaller monasteries as a way of getting badly needed funds.  Because of Treviot's position as a goldsmith, he is required to attend the execution of Queen Anne.  What happens there brings further trouble to his life.

Later, on his way to early mass, Treviot hears a loud noise.  He is unsure what it is, and advances further down the dark street to find his friend, Robert Packington lying dead on the street.  Witnesses say that a foreigner called out to him, pointed something at him, after which a loud noise ensued and the victim fell down dead.  The physician called indicates that the victim was shot by a man using a wheellock.

Treviot begins to wonder if he was the intended victim, or was it because of something Packington knew and was planning on telling Treviot?  He intends to find out why and who was behind the murder.  He goes into the stews of London to find out who the assassin is, but in doing so he puts his own life into jeopardy.

The coroner's inquest returns a verdict of death by persons unknown.  Treviot is warned off his investigation.  Things go from bad to worse when an attempt is made on his life, and a short time later when he is arrested for suspected heresy.  However, before he can be brought to trial, he is released by Thomas Cromwell, who has a task for him to perform.

Treviot's investigation leads him into trouble, and potential disaster for himself and those around him.  How will he stay out of trouble?  Author  D. K. Wilson presents a good story, based on a real crime, involving real people during the reign of Henry VIII.  A good read for fans of historical fiction, and I look forward to the sequel.

Sunday, August 23, 2015

A Cotswold Mystery

Thea Osbourne is house sitting for a couple who have taken s holiday in India.  Their granny lives next door, but is suffering from the beginning of dementia.  Granny is wondering why her neighbour, Julian hasn't shown up to visit her.

The evening after Thea arrives, Jessica , her daughter, arrives to visit.  Jessica discovers a dead man in Julian's house.  Jessica is a probationary police officer and to her eye, the death seems suspicious. She calls it in.

Her suspicions prove correct when the body is found to have a stab wound in the back.  Jessica is given the opportunity to take in the post mortem; her first.  It creates more questions in her mind.  Both women are shocked when they discover a knife in a hallway cupboard drawer.  It appears to have blood on it.  A further shock comes when they find a coat in Granny's house with what appears to be blood stains on it.

Jessica's suspicions are further aroused when a van carrying soil has an accident nearby.  When they check out an old archeological dig, they determine that new digging had been going on there.  Is it connected to the death of Julian, who was an archeologist?

Author Rebecca Tope presents numerous suspects in this murder mystery, and a surprising conclusion.  A quick read.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Hanging Hill

The body of Lorne Woods has been found along the towpath on the outskirts of Bath.  DI Zoe Benedict and DI Ben Parris are leading the investigation.  Zoe doesn't agree with the presentation made by forensic psychologist, Debbie Harry, however, Ben does to an extent.  They start the investigation along different lines as a result.

Meanwhile, Zoe's niece Millie has gotten herself into debt with a local drug pusher.  Her mother, Sally is also experiencing financial woes.  Although Zoe and Sally have not seen each other for some time, this cause will bring them back together.

Zoe develops ideas which are completely divergent from the rest of the team about the evidence gathered from Lorne's crime scene.  She wonders if Lorne's death might be associated with a local producer of porn, however he seems to have disappeared.  Zoe finds herself tied up with a larger investigation as she probes deeper into the disappearance of the porn producer.  It seems that her hands are tied.

Can Zoe solve the crime before the killer strikes again?  Author Mo Hayder maintains the fast pace of this murder mystery right through to the surprising conclusion.  This is a book that you will not want to put down.  An intensely good read.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Hannibal ~ Enemy of Rome

Teenagers Hanno and his best friend, Suniaton have skipped out on a meeting in Carthage to go fishing.  Having filled their boat with tunny, they drink some wine in celebration and fall asleep.  Unfortunately for them a storm comes up and sweeps them further out to sea.

Meantime in Italy, 16 year old Quintus is out to prove he is a man by tracking and killing a bear.  His 13 year old sister Aurelia is jealous, thinking that she could do the same.  Quintus is successful and as a reward, he is given the opportunity to buy a slave in Capua.  His new slave's name is Hanno.  In the coming weeks each would save the other and forge a special bond.

While Hanno is making a new friend, his father and brothers are taking part in a siege led by Hannibal on one of Rome's allies.  Before long, Rome and Carthage have declared war on one another.  Quintus' father has joined Scipio preparing to fight Hannibal, who manages to escape into the Alps.  Quintus manages to gain the release of Suniaton, who has been injured in gladiator fighting.  Unable to join Hanno in an escape to Carthage, he suggests that Quintus and Hanno go in search of Quintus' father.

As they go north and Hannibal's army advances through the Alps how will the friendship of these two unlikely friends be tested?  Will it stand the test of time?

Author Ben Kane leads the reader through the struggles of Hannibal's army as it makes its march through the Alps and into northern Italy and the ensuing fight between his army and that of Rome.  Well written, intense and a worthy read for any fan of historical fiction.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Dead Man's Grip

Detective Superintendent Roy Grace is at the maternity ward with his fiancĂ©, Cleo, when he gets a call from his DS Glenn Branson about a possible hit and run fatality.  The driver of the articulated lorry has been driving over his hour limit, the driver of the car breathes over the limit and the white van, which hit the young cyclist has disappeared.

At the first briefing of Grace's investigation team, they learn that the victim is the son of a New York mafioso.  At the second briefing, it is determined that Carly Chase, the driver of the car had not hit the cyclist.  After the meeting Grace meets with an angry ACC Rigg, who shows him a news article wherein the mother of the cyclist offers $100 000 for the identity of the driver of the white van.  Once again, Grace is sure that there is an insider in the police providing a newspaperman with information.

When the driver of the van and the van end upside down in the water, Grace wonders if the driver's dead man's grip on the steering wheel is truly the result of a suicide.  Shortly after this, another body turns up in a fish plant freezer.  This time it is the driver of the articulated lorry involved in the accident.  Grace sends Branson to tell Carly Chase that her life may be in danger, too because of these two deaths.  The police are prepared to put her and her son into protective custody.

Carly decides to go to New York to meet with the mother of the cyclist, and there is nothing Grace can do to stop her.  Will Carly's trip alleviate the situation, or make it worse?

Author Peter James' latest novel starring Roy Grace is fast paced and full of action.  It was hard to put down.  I thoroughly enjoyed the read.

Monday, August 3, 2015


Alwyn Morgan is searching the rookeries of London for Derry Brewer.  He and his two cohorts break into the house of Thomas Woodchurch frightening Thomas' wife and daughters.  They discover a cache of gold, which they steal.  Thomas and his son Rowan come home later to the devastation.  Joan, Thomas' wife hands the two men their bows and sends them in search of the intruders.

Fortunately Thomas and his son know the rookeries well and are able to catch Morgan and his two cohorts.  Threatened with arrows, the three men return the gold.  Thomas sends his son to get his wife and daughters away while he goes in search of Brewer.

Thomas doesn't find Brewer, but finds his second in command, John Gilpin.  Unfortunately Thomas has led Morgan to Gilpin, and he is taken to the Tower.  Now, Brewer wants Thomas to get Gilpin out of the tower using his archery skills.  Can he do it?

A good short story by Conn Iggulden that fits in with "The War of the Roses ~ Trinity", well worth the read.

Sunday, August 2, 2015

War of the Roses - Trinity

Derry, Henry VI's spymaster, has returned to Windsor Castle to find the king still in a stupor after fourteen months.  He reports to the king's wife, Margaret, that regretfully, the Duke of York is ruling the country in Henry's stead, quite well.

In 1454, conflict would break out between the Percy family and the Neville family.  It was a dispute that had been simmering for some time.  At Christmas of that same year, Henry arises out of his stupor and takes command of his nation once more.  While Henry governs, York and Salisbury conspire.  York is proud of his eldest son, Edward, yet he is angered at his wife's caring for his youngest, Richard because of his bent spine.

Henry decides that he needs to be seen by his people and begins a progress to the north towards York and Salisbury.  At St. Albans, he declares them traitors, so they besiege him in the town.  In the king's cortex is Jasper Tudor, his half-brother, and almost 100 Welsh archers.  In the ensuing battle, Henry is badly wounded, captured, and his forces lose the battle.  The Lancaster King is now under the power of the York family.  It isn't long before Margaret is able to sneak her husband away to Kenilworth Castle where she schemes to get him back in power.  Henry is convinced to issue Writs of Attainder against York and Salisbury.

Can Henry and Margaret hold onto the throne despite forcing these men into exile?  Author Conn Iggulden develops the story to a fever pitch as the Lancastrian and Yorkist families do battle for the future of England.  This historical novel is well researched and well written, leaving the history buff wanting more, and wanting to know what will come next.