Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Hannibal ~ Enemy of Rome

Teenagers Hanno and his best friend, Suniaton have skipped out on a meeting in Carthage to go fishing.  Having filled their boat with tunny, they drink some wine in celebration and fall asleep.  Unfortunately for them a storm comes up and sweeps them further out to sea.

Meantime in Italy, 16 year old Quintus is out to prove he is a man by tracking and killing a bear.  His 13 year old sister Aurelia is jealous, thinking that she could do the same.  Quintus is successful and as a reward, he is given the opportunity to buy a slave in Capua.  His new slave's name is Hanno.  In the coming weeks each would save the other and forge a special bond.

While Hanno is making a new friend, his father and brothers are taking part in a siege led by Hannibal on one of Rome's allies.  Before long, Rome and Carthage have declared war on one another.  Quintus' father has joined Scipio preparing to fight Hannibal, who manages to escape into the Alps.  Quintus manages to gain the release of Suniaton, who has been injured in gladiator fighting.  Unable to join Hanno in an escape to Carthage, he suggests that Quintus and Hanno go in search of Quintus' father.

As they go north and Hannibal's army advances through the Alps how will the friendship of these two unlikely friends be tested?  Will it stand the test of time?

Author Ben Kane leads the reader through the struggles of Hannibal's army as it makes its march through the Alps and into northern Italy and the ensuing fight between his army and that of Rome.  Well written, intense and a worthy read for any fan of historical fiction.

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