Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Kiya: Hope of the Pharaoh

Naomi has been taken by the pharaoh's men to become another wife for Pharaoh Akhenaten.  However, Queen Nefertiti could be a threat to Naomi, so Horemheb, an adviser to the pharaoh offers a deal to her.  Be a spy amongst the women for him and he will protect her.

After many rituals, Naomi is declared ready to be the pharaoh's fifth wife.  She is renamed Kiya.  Kiya wonders how she will be able to keep her Jewish God in her heart with so many false gods around her.  Kiya's wedding night doesn't go off as planned and she worries about having displeased the Pharaoh.

Kiya also has to tread carefully around Nefertiti.  Fortunately she seems to have made a good impression on Akhenaten, and the other wives and concubines.  Her friendship with Horemheb grows, too.  Meantime she discovers that one of her guards us also Hebrew.  She is attracted to him, but that could prove to be dangerous.

It isn't long after consummating her marriage that Kiya falls pregnant.  This news is sure to aggravate Nefertiti's jealousy.  Nefertiti tries to rid herself of both Kiya and Horemheb by accusing them of having an affair.  Fortunately Akhenaton doesn't believe her.  Later, Kiya is delivered of a healthy son, who Akhenaton names Tutankhamen.

Nefertiti is a constant threat, while Kiya is torn about her feelings for Akhenaton and those around her, especially since her Hebrew faith means so much to her.  How can she protect them, yet not hurt them nor herself in the process?

Author Katie Hamstead has written an interesting novel about the times of the pharaohs of Egypt.  One will have to get the sequels to see where it goes.  A quick read.

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