Thursday, June 30, 2016

The Ice Child

Patrick Hedstrom has been called to the hospital because a missing girl has been found.  She was struck on the highway by a car.  The injuries suffered in the accident aren't the only injuries.  She has also had her tongue severed and her eyes removed.  Sadly, the girl dies in the hospital.  Now, Hedstrom and his team need to find out the background to her injuries.

Is this case related to the cases of four other missing girls?

Meanwhile, Hedstrom's wife, Erica Falck, is researching her own mystery for a future book.  Unfortunately she isn't having any luck with her research, so she decides to start her own investigation into the missing girls.  This angers Hedstrom, but he allows it to continue because in the past Erica's help had contributed to the successful conclusion of a few cases.

Erica's research into her book leads her to question the possibility that what she is learning might be connected to the missing girls.  Things suddenly change when a mother and daughter go missing.  They had been close to the girl who had been killed in the automobile accident.

Author Camilla Lackberg starts this thriller off slowly, but the pace builds up with the reader fearing that more girls will suffer a similar fate.  The climax is unexpected and surprising, with a little twist at the end.  An excellent read, hard to put down.

Sunday, June 26, 2016

The Sekhmet Bed

Pharaoh Amunhotep has just died and his younger daughter Ahmose has gone to pray.  Along the road she meets General Thutmose.  He predicts that they will see much of each other in the future.  Later in the day, the pharaoh's wife declares that none of his sons have royal blood.   This causes great turmoil.

Thutmose is named the new pharaoh and it is decreed that his wife shall be Ahmose.  However, it is not Ahmose that Thutmose goes to on their wedding night, but her older sister, the second royal wife, Mutnofret.  As soon as Amunhotep is buried, Thutmose hurries off to the southern border to prevent any incursions from their enemies.

With Mutnofret pregnant, Ahmose realises that she must also become pregnant, but also that power is more important than a child.  She fears that a second child will place further division between her and Thutmose.  She decides to become more god-like and take more authority unto herself. But it must be done by deceit.

Ahmose conceives after Thutmose returns from war in the north.  Her child is a daughter, not the son she had hoped for.  However, Ahmose is convinced that the spirit of her daughter is male, and that she, Hatshepsut, will one day rule as pharaoh.

Hatshepsut develops into a headstrong little girl.  Ahmose is sure that she should be named as Thutmose's heir, especially after the youngest of Mutnofret's sons dies.  The other two die shortly afterwards.  Will Hatshepsut become heir now, despite the fact that Mutnofret has once again been delivered of a son?  She has named him Thutmose in hopes that the name will protect him from the gods.

Author Libbie Hawker has written a novel of ancient Egypt, which is close to actual fact.  Although I enjoyed the storyline, I found the writing style awkward, but it improved somewhat as the novel progressed.  A fair, quick read for those interested in Egyptology fiction.

Thursday, June 23, 2016

A Good Day to Die

Former DS Dennis Milne has been in the Philippines for three years now.   A commission has arrived, which could earn him and his partner $30 000.  Does he really want to commit murder again?  Is the money worth it?  Milne finds out that his target had killed a copper back in London, a man who had been Milne's friend.  Milne knows who ordered his friend's death, but how to make the payback is the question.  Maybe with time he could forget.

But, Milne can't forget it.  So, he heads back to London.  He is surprised when just after arriving, he receives a phone call from the man he wanted to surprise.  Milne is in serious trouble when he makes his meeting, but fortunately he manages to escape.  He turns to a reporter who is investigating his friend's death.

Milne decides to team up with a reporter who has been investigating his friend's death.  What she tells him helps to fill in some blanks.  However, he finds himself walking into more trouble, and every which way he turns, he feels he is running into a dead end, yet at the same time, drawing him back into his own past.

Author Simon Kernick's thriller is fast paced and full of action.  The book is a good read and hard to put down.  I'm looking forward to reading the final book in this trilogy.

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Want You Dead

Detective Superintendent Roy Grace has been called out to the golf course where a badly burned body has been found.  A car is found nearby with a suicide note inside.  Grace has a niggling suspicion that the note isn't what it appears to be.  He leaves DI Glenn Branson and DS Bella Moy in charge.

When questioned, the girlfriend of the victim is sure that he would never have committed suicide.  They seemed to have had something going that was blossoming.  A short time later, she is shocked when her car goes up in flames at an intersection.

Her next shock comes the following day when at the store, explosions occur, forcing her to the floor to avoid the smoke.  In the confusion, someone helps her out.  She later discovers that a ring has been slipped on her wedding finger.  It is the ring her ex had given her before their breakup.  Is he the one behind the recent fire at what had been their favourite restaurant?

At this point Grace sends Branson to follow up.  Branson comes away after meeting the woman that the suicide wasn't a suicide, and that several fires are connected to it.  How do they convince their senior officers that it was a murder?

Fortunately Grace is able to do that, and immediately sets up a murder inquiry team.  However, things quickly begin to get out of hand.

Author Peter James has provided the reader with an excellent thriller, full of non-stop action and fear.  It is a real page turner, which I couldn't put down.  I'm looking forward to the sequel.

Saturday, June 18, 2016

War of the Roses ~ Bloodline

The massed army of Queen Margaret was successful at York, and now march south to London with the intention of freeing King Henry from the clutches of Warwick.  Henry's spymaster, Derry Brewer has warned the leaders that Warwick has fortified the road, and suggests that they flank him.  Somerset also points out that York is in Wales and could come and attack their own flank.

Victory is Margaret's, and she is reunited with her husband.  The march continues on to London only to be stopped at the gates.  Unable to enter the city of London, the starving army moves north to Kenilworth.  While they retreat, York and Warwick march into London.  There, York claims the throne, willing to fight for the right to be the real King of England.  To the north, in the city of York, Margaret has amassed a huge army.

In mid-March, the newly crowned Edward IV marched north towards York.  The two armies met at Towton, not far from York.  A massive battle ensued in a snowstorm.  The Lancaster forces were destroyed.  Edward was undoubtedly the king, while Margaret and Henry fled to Scotland.

Three years later, King Henry is the prisoner of King Edward.  Surprisingly Edward has married without the knowledge of those closest to him.  Elizabeth Woodville immediately sets to putting her stamp on the royal enclave, much to the chagrin of Warwick who has been Edward's advisor.   It isn't long before Warwick's family begin to suffer because of Elizabeth.

Will her actions lead to another civil war?  How will Warwick's family react?  Author Conn Iggulden has continued his storyline in the War of the Roses with Bloodline.  War, tragedy and family pitted against family as the upper echelons of England fight it out for supremacy.  This is a true Game of Thrones.  I'm looking forward to the next book in this set.

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Lost and Gone Forever

Inspector Walter Day has been missing for a year now, but few people miss him.  One is his former sergeant, Nevil Hammersmith.  Hammersmith now operates his own private detective agency.  His assistant Hatty Pitt helps him in his investigations without him really knowing it because he is so consumed with finding Day.  Hatty has a prospective client in the office, who wants the agency to locate his missing brother.

Walter is alive, but he has list his memory.  Having survived some time with Jack, and now on his own, Walter has developed a somewhat lucrative tobacco business with young boys helping him.  One of the lads, Ambrose, sees a double murder; a man has slashed two women to death.  Can Walter keep the lad safe from the slasher?

Walter's wife Claire, sees him in the huge emporium of Plumm's with Jack.  But the shock of seeing him causes her to faint.  She tells Hammersmith of her sighting.  It isn't long before Scotland Yard is back on the case.  However, Walter comes to his senses shortly afterwards and attempts to corner Jack.  The ensuing meeting results in a disaster.

Author Alex Grecian's thriller keeps the reader involved throughout.  What will happen to Walter and Jack is the question foremost in the reader's mind right up to the last page.  A very good read.

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

A Dying Fall

One evening, archeologist, Ruth Galloway receives a call from a former university classmate.  She informs her that a friend of theirs from university has just died in a fire.  The following day, Ruth receives a letter from the dead man.  In the letter he informs Ruth that he has made a discovery related to the Raven King, but he is also afraid of something.  Ruth calls up her friend and the father of her daughter, DI Harry Nelson.

Nelson's friend in another police force has informed him that the death is suspicious and they have opened a murder inquiry.  Later Ruth receives a call from the university where her friend worked asking her to come and exam he bones that he discovered.  She then receives a text from an anonymous source suggesting that she will be sorry if she goes.

When Nelson travels to Blackpool, on a supposed holiday, his friend, Sandy Macleod informs him that they suspect white supremacists are behind the murder.  At the same time, Ruth travels to the university and is informed that the bones were found in a sarcophagus with a Latin inscription pointing to the possibility that they could be the bones of King Arthur.  Shortly after arriving, Ruth receives another threatening text.

Later, when she begins her examination of the bones, Ruth discovers that the lower jaw doesn't match the head.  A bit later Nelson attends a query with Macleod, at which time they find out that there is a right wing extremist group on campus called the White Hand.  Cathbad knows a bit about them.  When Ruth receives another threatening text, she calls Nelson, who immediately goes to her.

Will the evidence that Ruth discovers prove or disprove the King Arthur theory?  Will her evidence lead to the killer or will the police find the killer first?

Author Elly Griffiths has written a murder mystery with an interesting premise and several twists to the plot.  A good read.  I'm looking forward to the next in the series to find out what happens to the forensic archeologist, her daughter and her friends.

Friday, June 3, 2016

Waterloo Sunset

Harry Devlin has just received an envelope containing a notice of his death on midsummer, which is in fact a few days hence.  Harry's partner, Jim Crusoe, thinks that someone sent it as a joke.  Despite the note, Harry's work must continue.

At the same time that he is working on a case with the coroner's office, a murder has occurred at Waterloo, which is just to the north of Liverpool.  When homes back from the coroner's, Harry finds his office trashed.  A young woman cleaner helps him tidy things up.  It is while they are doing that he finds out that she knew the murder victim.

Naturally, Harry can't resist finding out more about the victim.

On the third day after receiving the note, Harry received a call from a young woman asking him to meet with her in secret.  She is concerned that her boyfriend mustn't know about the meeting.  Could she have sent the note?  But before he can meet her he finds out that his partner has been attacked.  Will he survive?  Harry vows to find out who was responsible.

On the fourth day, another young woman is found murdered.  This time it is the woman that Harry was going to meet.  Is Harry's life also in danger?

Author Martin Edwards has written a very fast paced, action filled thriller that was very hard to put down.  I highly recommend reading this series.

Thursday, June 2, 2016

The Royal Succession

Louis X is dead, but who will succeed him?  His daughter, thought to possibly be illegitimate, by his dead wife or his unborn child living in his second wife's womb, or will there be a regency?

Meanwhile, in Lyons, Louis' brother, Phillipe is busy trying to get the cardinals to choose a new pope.  When he learns of his brother's death he immediately appoints himself Regent and begins to consolidate his position.  Back in Paris, his uncle, Charles is doing the same thing.  Through devious stealth Phillipe takes Paris and the regency, much to the chagrin of his uncle and younger brother.

Because his own wife is pregnant, Philippe wants to ensure that a son of his could inherit the crown, should Clemence have a daughter.  With that in mind he persuades the assembly to go along with his idea of only allowing males to succeed to the throne of France.

Alas, Count Robert of Artois wasn't going to go along with the assembly.  He immediately set about taking control of his region of France.  Phillipe's younger brother is secretly helping him.

Meanwhile the conclave in Lyons has chosen a new pope.  John XXII will work well with Phillipe.  Surrounded by a large force, Robert surrenders to Phillipe.  Hoping to be treated well, he is surprised when he is jailed.

Clemence gives birth to a son, Jean I, but unfortunately he only lives five days.  Phillipe is immediately proclaimed king.  How many people are going to be crushed in the making of the new king, and what does the future hold for him?  Will he survive or will he suffer the fate of the curse placed on his father and his descendants?

Once again Maurice Druon has written a powerful historical novel of the royal family of France.   Intrigue, conspiracy abound throughout.  I look forward to reading the next novel in this series.