Friday, June 3, 2016

Waterloo Sunset

Harry Devlin has just received an envelope containing a notice of his death on midsummer, which is in fact a few days hence.  Harry's partner, Jim Crusoe, thinks that someone sent it as a joke.  Despite the note, Harry's work must continue.

At the same time that he is working on a case with the coroner's office, a murder has occurred at Waterloo, which is just to the north of Liverpool.  When homes back from the coroner's, Harry finds his office trashed.  A young woman cleaner helps him tidy things up.  It is while they are doing that he finds out that she knew the murder victim.

Naturally, Harry can't resist finding out more about the victim.

On the third day after receiving the note, Harry received a call from a young woman asking him to meet with her in secret.  She is concerned that her boyfriend mustn't know about the meeting.  Could she have sent the note?  But before he can meet her he finds out that his partner has been attacked.  Will he survive?  Harry vows to find out who was responsible.

On the fourth day, another young woman is found murdered.  This time it is the woman that Harry was going to meet.  Is Harry's life also in danger?

Author Martin Edwards has written a very fast paced, action filled thriller that was very hard to put down.  I highly recommend reading this series.

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