Saturday, November 26, 2016

The Lord Bishop's Clerk

England, 1143; Stephen and Empress Maud have been vying for the throne of England for some time now, and people are taking sides and switching sides as needs be.  The people at Pershore Abbey have concerns about one amongst them; the lord Bishop of Winchester is known to be a spy.  Can anyone trust him?  However, everyone is shocked when he is found inside the church by the master mason, the back of his head bashed in.

Moments later the sheriff arrives, on his way through. He decides to leave Hugh Bradecote and Serjeant Catchpoll to investigate.  Catchpoll is unsure of the ability of Bradecote, while the latter is bound and determined to catch the person responsible. The following day, Catchpoll points out to Bradecote that he has made a mistake during the questioning of one of the women by telling her what the murder weapon was.

As the pair question those at the abbey, they come to know more about the victim and that several of those questioned, had a clear dislike for the man.  Having spoken to everyone, the question arises, what next?

What next is that a second body is found.  The dead apprentice had been sent to get refreshments for the workers, and was found outside in the rain by the master mason, who had gone in search of him.  Bradecote is sure he knows who the killer is, but when a third body is found, he begins to doubt.

Author Sarah Hawkswood's medieval mystery was well written, and kept this reader involved and intrigued.  A thoroughly enjoyable read and I am looking forward to the sequel.

Saturday, November 19, 2016

In The Darkness

Inspector Sejer has called his team together to review the case of a body found in the river.  Even after being missing for six months, they were able to identify it. Sejer wonders if the victim had anything to do with the death of a woman who had been killed a few days before this victim disappeared.

It is while visiting with the son of the victim that Sejer inadvertently learns that the victim was going to be selling his car to a woman.  How can he find out her name?  During the course of his investigation, Sejer discovers that a woman and child had seen the body and apparently phoned it in.  The trouble is, Sejer has no recollection of that call occurring.

As his investigation continues, threads seem to connect to the mysterious woman.  He finds her after she has been attacked in her own home.  Taking her back to the police station, her story comes out.

Author Karin Fossum, tale of murder and greed gets off to a slow start, but once the mysterious woman's story begins to unfold, the pace picks up.  Fossum provides the reader with a surprising twist at the end.  A good read.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Lying Dead

A young mountain biker has crashed on a trail, and while looking for help has come across the body of a woman.  DI Marjory Fleming's quiet summer has come to an end.  It turns out that the victim is from Manchester, which is a long way to the south.

Fleming is just about to pass the investigation off to her Manchester counterparts following the morning briefing when DS Jon Kingsley walks in late.  He recognises the picture posted of the victim as a local woman.  She had apparently been a key witness is a previous case involving a substantial sum of money.  The other person involved had recently just been released from prison.  He was working nearby where the body was found and now he is missing.

However, it doesn't take long for DS Allen and DC Kingsley to find the suspect.  Unfortunately Fleming and DS MacNee have been sent to Manchester to liaise with the police there.  Allen and Kingsley use the bad cop - bad cop routine on him, but he remains silent.  Knowing that the pair are likely to botch up the questioning, Fleming orders DC Tansy Kerr to take over from them.

The day after returning from Manchester, Fleming has another murder on her hands.  Is it connected to the first one?  They have a prime suspect, but was he too drunk to have committed it?  Evidence points to it being about money, but who, amongst the many potentially involved could it be?

Author Aline Templeton is very good at building suspense and throwing in numerous red herrings as she creates her plot.  This one comes with a couple of surprises and a shocking conclusion.  Well written and will leave the reader looking forward to the sequel.

Sunday, November 13, 2016

The Darkness and the Deep

DI Marjory Fleming has just welcomed a new DC to her team.  Jonathan Kingsley is a young Englishman on the fast track for promotion.  Fleming wonders how he will fit in in her Scottish community.  In addition to the new man on staff, Fleming was at odds with her DS, Tam MacNee.

On a dark, stormy night, the local lifeboat is called out to ensure a trawler doesn't crash into rocks.  While returning to base it crashes into rocks with the loss of two.  MacNee observes a green light where there shouldn't be one.  He secures the site.  Did someone intentionally want to wreck the lifeboat?  Sadly a third victim dies while in surgery.

The team is able to eliminate one potential suspect within a matter of hours.  However, Kingsley finds a valuable source of information, which he plans on keeping to himself as he goes about his part of the investigation.  Fleming decides to create a special team to work the investigation; MacNee, Kingsley and DC Tansy Kerr.  Each is tasked with particular people to question.

A week on and the team has nothing.  The night of the funerals the man who was supposed to have operated the boat is fatally run down by a car.  It would appear that he was the intended original victim, and that it was connected to the local drug scene.  Fleming is afraid that another death will occur before they catch the person responsible.

Author Aline Templeton, murder mystery is fast paced, tense and exciting.  DI Fleming isn't just a police officer, but also a woman who has family issues to contend with, thereby making her more human.  A very good read and I'm looking forward to the sequel.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Soldier of Fortune

Ten year old Daniel Rawson badly wants to join the rebel army and fight alongside his father against King James.  Unfortunately his father is taken prisoner following the Battle of Sedgemoor, which destroyed the rebel forces.  Daniel finds a soldier trying to rape his mother, and in defence of her he kills the soldier with his own sword.  Understanding what had gone really gone on, Lord Churchill rewards Daniel with the sword and frees him.  With his father executed for rebelling against the king, Daniel and his mother leave their farm.

Nineteen years later, Daniel is in the army and a spy in Paris.  He returns to England with information for his spymaster, the Duke of Marlborough.  It isn't long before they are off to Holland on their way to fight the French.  Unbeknownst to Daniel there is a pair of assassins following him.  However, when attempts are made on his life he hopes that he can get the assassin.  He is also plagued by a young girl who has followed him from London believing that she is in love with him.

He has to put these troubles from his mind as he goes into battle against the French.  Trials and tribulations await the young soldier in the coming days.  Will he and his companions survive the upcoming battle at Blenheim, where the French badly outnumber Marlborough's army?

Author Edward Marston has written an engaging and fast paced historical novel.  A good read.

Monday, November 7, 2016

Watery Grave

Lady Fielding's son, Tom, has just arrived home from the sea.  Young Jeremy Proctor is unsure what to make of him.  Judge Fielding is asked to sit on a court-martial of an officer from the ship that his stepson, Tom served on.  To begin Fielding and Jeremy visit the ship in question with an admiral to begin questioning two of the men involved.

Fielding and the admiral must also question the ship's surgeon, but he has transferred down to Portsmouth.  Therefore they travel there, and on the way are ambushed by highwaymen.  Fortunately the admiral is able to shoot one with his pistol.  In Portsmouth, Jeremy is captured by a press gang, but fortunately the lieutenant that had travelled with them just happened to come by and secure his release.

Later, Jeremy and Tom, while looking for a potential witness, come across the drowned body of a lieutenant from Tom's ship.  However, upon inspection of the body, they discover that the back of his skull has been crushed.  After a second witness is murdered, information that could besmirch the reputation of the Royal Navy comes to light.  Sir John Fielding is sure that the case is worse than first perceived.

Author Bruce Alexander sets about ensuring justice will be done in this murder mystery.  Many twists and turns are involved on the road to the final conclusion with a surprise at the end.  A very good read.

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Fire and Sword

Paris, December 1804, and Napoleon has just crowned himself Emperor of France.  He had been elected emperor by a vast majority of the people of France.  By the spring of 1805, Austria is preparing for war.  Napoleon wants to head it off.  He also wants to keep Russia out of the mix.

In September of 1805, Arthur Wellesley returns to London a Major-General and a knight.  Meanwhile Napoleon has come to the realisation that an invasion of Britain is impossible.  He turns his attention to Austria.  Can he defeat Austria before they are joined by the Russians?  Surprisingly the Austrian army at Ulm surrenders before Russian troops can reinforce them.

In late October, Britain achieves a great victory over the French at Trafalgar, but at a terrible cost; Admiral Lord Nelson is killed.  By November, Wellesley is shipping out with an army to the continent.  Upon arrival he is informed of Napoleon's great victory at Austerlitz over the combined forces of Austria and Russia.  Wellesley and his army are recalled to Britain.

Back in Britain, Wellesley is disappointed to find that there are parliamentarians who are clamouring for peace with France.  He continues to train soldiers and lets his name stand for parliament.  He is also committed to marrying the love of his life, Miss Kitty Pakenham.  How much has she changed in the eleven years since he last saw her?

In France, Napoleon is looking to Prussia as his next enemy.  He must keep Russia out of any conflict, and Austria is already cowed.  A rapid advance into Prussia results in two victories at Jena and Auerstadt for the French.  However, the Prussians refused to surrender, retreating towards their Russian allies.  By January 1807, Napoleon and his Grand Army were forced to settle in for the winter in Warsaw.  There Napoleon encounters a young countess named Marie Walewska.  It isn't long before they are lovers.  The French senate has sent a delegation to Napoleon in Warsaw demanding that the war be brought to an end.

Napoleon has a costly victory over the Russians while Wellesley is appointed Chief Secretary for Ireland.  In June of 1807 Napoleon dictates his peace terms to Tsar Alexander.  It is also his intention to humble Prussia.  Now Britain is to be locked out of all European ports.  However, Portugal is refusing to participate in that action.  Napoleon threatens them with war.

At the end of July, Wellesley is ordered to take part in capturing the Danish fleet at Copenhagen.  Will Danish resistance prevent the British army from capturing the fleet before the French army arrives?

By Christmas of 1807 Napoleon's troops have captured Lisbon, but the royal family and the Portuguese navy has fled to Brazil.  He plans to foment dissent in Spain and then step in and take over.  The King of Spain and his heir are forced to abdicate.  Riots in Spain are ruthlessly put down by the French, and before long Napoleon's brother is appointed king.

By the middle of July, 1808 Wellesley had been appointed lieutenant-general and tasked with taking the war to Napoleon through Portugal.  However, upon arrival in Portugal, Wellesley receives communication that more troops will be coming and as a result a more senior officer will be in command.  Wellesley wins his first battle, but his senior officer decides to not follow up the success.  However, the French are prepared to quit Portugal as long as they get to keep their loot and the British ship them home.  Unfortunately, Wellesley's senior agrees to it.  Once news of the armistice reaches London, Wellesley and his two senior officers are recalled to explain themselves.

Having taken control of Madrid, Napoleon sets about pushing the British off the Iberian Penninsula, however his plans are frustrated when he hears news of a conspiracy against him in Paris.  He returns there immediately.

What does the future hold for these two leaders as they deal with a major crisis in their lives.  Once again, author Simon Scarrow has brought history to life.  For any fan of historical fiction and this period in particular, this is a very good read.  I'm looking forward to the concluding book in the series.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

The Eagle in the Sand

Centurions Macro and Cato have just arrived in Jerusalem and immediately are involved in a scuffle breaking up an attack on tax collectors.  They have been sent there to win over the hearts and minds of the Judeans.  They also have another job, that of spies for Narcissus, who is the emperor's right hand man.

As they progress toward their next posting, the Roman force is attacked by brigands.  Cato is struck in the head and concussed.  His guide, Symeon, takes him to a small settlement, which houses followers of Jehoshua, who the Romans had recently executed.  Meanwhile Macro and the small force gallop on.  When Macro gets to the fort of Bushira, which he is supposed to take command of, he comes to the realisation that his orders are still in the saddle bag on the horse, which was killed under him.  What to do now?

When together at the fort, Macro and Cato are surprised at the attitude of the prefect to the brigands.  It appears that he is more interested in intimidating the locals rather than taking on the brigands.  Not a good policy in the eyes of several centurions.  What can they do in the meantime?  Things begin to spiral out of control for the two centurions.

Author Simon Scarrow has plenty of action and treachery to play out in this exciting historical novel set in the time just following the execution of Jesus.  A very good read.