Tuesday, November 1, 2016

The Eagle in the Sand

Centurions Macro and Cato have just arrived in Jerusalem and immediately are involved in a scuffle breaking up an attack on tax collectors.  They have been sent there to win over the hearts and minds of the Judeans.  They also have another job, that of spies for Narcissus, who is the emperor's right hand man.

As they progress toward their next posting, the Roman force is attacked by brigands.  Cato is struck in the head and concussed.  His guide, Symeon, takes him to a small settlement, which houses followers of Jehoshua, who the Romans had recently executed.  Meanwhile Macro and the small force gallop on.  When Macro gets to the fort of Bushira, which he is supposed to take command of, he comes to the realisation that his orders are still in the saddle bag on the horse, which was killed under him.  What to do now?

When together at the fort, Macro and Cato are surprised at the attitude of the prefect to the brigands.  It appears that he is more interested in intimidating the locals rather than taking on the brigands.  Not a good policy in the eyes of several centurions.  What can they do in the meantime?  Things begin to spiral out of control for the two centurions.

Author Simon Scarrow has plenty of action and treachery to play out in this exciting historical novel set in the time just following the execution of Jesus.  A very good read.

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