Sunday, November 26, 2017

The Darkest Goodbye

Newly minted DC Kirsty Wilson has been paired with DS Murdoch who is to be her mentor.  They are on their way to the scene of a brazen robbery of a jewelry store.  First on the scene, Kirsty is sure that she saw Murdoch palm a watch into his crime scene bag.  Does she say anything or keep her mouth shut?  They also have an unexpected death of an elderly woman on their hands.

Later, Murdoch receives word that their robbery case could be related to one in Northampton.  That will mean that English cops will be up shortly to Glasgow to liaise.  Sadly, it is at this time that Murdoch’s wife passes away from a terminal illness.  It is while at the hospital with Murdoch that a nurse confides in Kirsty that patients have been dying unexpectedly.

Because Murdoch is off on compassionate leave, Detective Superintendent Lorimer steps in when the unexpected death turns out to possibly be murder.  When two more women turn up dead, one having died in a similar fashion to the previous, links point to either voluntary euthanasia or murder.  Things change dramatically when Lorimer’s wife’s cousin, who was in a hospice, suddenly dies.  At the same time, the aforementioned nurse brings Kirsty damning material that could implicate DS Murdoch.

Will Lorimer’s psychologist friend, Solomon Brightman be able to solve the case before Lorimer or Kirsty can put their mark on it?

This is a top notch thriller by author Alex Gray.  If this were a movie, you would be sitting on the edge of your seat.  I found the book hard to put down and am looking forward to reading the sequels.

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Sleeping in the Ground

There has been a mass shooting at a wedding.  DI Annie Cabbot immediately contacts her superior, Detective Superintendent Alan Banks.  DS Winsome Jackman is one of the victims.  Chief Superintendent Gervaise brings in a profiler to help.  Banks is surprised to find that it is someone from his past, Jenny Fuller.

Was someone out to get particular members of the wedding party or is it related to Afghanistan as the groom served there?  The sniper obviously had it planned out and knew what he was doing.

A few days later it appears they have their man.  The shooter has committed suicide in his home.  Evidence points to an interest in the bride.  Now they need to get into the mind of the killer.

Some time later the senior pathologist speaks to Banks suggesting that it may not have been a suicide after all.  He has reviewed the case and noticed a number of anomalies.  Does Banks have a different and devious killer on his hands?  If so, how does the team go about finding him?

Once again, author Peter Robinson has provided the reader with an excellent thriller.  The final pages are a real page turner.  Another book, which is hard to put down.

Sunday, November 12, 2017


DI Tom Thorne has been given the task of investigating a series of deaths in which someone has been giving young women drugs and then manipulating their necks, causing them to stroke and die.  However, in the most recent case the young woman is still alive.  As Thorne leaves the hospital, he spots a note on his car.  It tells him that the first two deaths were a mistake.  The last girl wasn’t.

Then another body turns up, but this time a witness has seen the body being dumped.  The killer seems to have been in a rush this time.

Thorne has a suspect in mind, but no proof.  The other problem is that the suspect is a good friend of the doctor looking after the one victim who survived.  Things take a bad twist when Thorne is attacked from behind in front of his home, and drugged with the same drug used on the victims.

Later, a woman who is a potential witness to who the killer might be is killed.  Has the killer found some way of getting information from the police?  The thing is, there was another victim at the same time.  What’s going on?  How cold Thorne’s suspect be in two places at once?

Mark Bellingham draws the reader in to this thriller and makes them want to keep turning the pages.  I found that I couldn’t put the book down.  This is an excellent debut novel and I look forward to reading the sequels.

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

The Blood Card

It is May of 1953 and Britain is preparing for a coronation.  DI Edgar Stephens and his friend Max Mephisto have been asked by General Petre to meet him at Whitehall.  At Whitehall they learn that the man who had recruited them into “The Magic Men” has bee killed.  At the scene an ace of hearts was found on the body.  Max points out that it is known as “The Blood Card”.  Stephens also finds a crossword puzzle that the victim had been working on.  He finds hints that
point the new queen.  Stephens is to go to New York to investigate a lead there.

However, when he returns to Brighton, he is called to the home of a woman who had been recently found dead in the water by the pier.  A note had been received mentioning The Magic Men, plus a flyer with the name of one of the men was found in her caravan; as had been found at the place of the London victim.

When Stephens gets to the USA, he discovers that the man he had been sent to meet has been killed by a hit and run driver.  The police tell Stephens that the victim was a communist.  Could that have anything to do with the killing back in London?

Back at Whitehall, Stephens and Max discover that the general doesn’t exist!  What’s going on?  Later, the general makes an appearance on Stephens’ doorstep.  He tells Stephens the background to his con game.  They agree to meet the next day with Max, however, once again the general doesn’t show up.

Will the threat to the new queen come to fruition?  Author Elly Griffiths’ thriller is just that; a thriller that is a page turner, making the reader want more.  A thoroughly enjoyable read.

Monday, November 6, 2017

Murder in Hindsight

DS Kathleen Doyle is on the scene of a murder.  The victim is connected to a cold case, of which she informs DCI Acton.  She is convinced that the killer is performing vigilante justice for cold cases because she has noticed similar recent killings connected to cold cases.  Could the killer possibly be in the police?

As Doyle goes about her daily routine she finds that she is being shadowed.  She is sure that the shadow is no threat, but upon confronting him, discovers that he wants her to meet with a mobster who is in prison.  She refuses.  The shadow also shows her a picture of her husband DCI Acton in close conversation with a woman reporter.  Is he giving up personal secrets?

During an interview with the mother of a victim, Doyle comes to the realisation that the killer is trying to frame Acton.  Will Doyle be able to prevent this from happening?

Author Anne Cleeland has a few surprises up her sleeve before the reader finds out the answers.  A good, quick read.

In This Grave Hour

Sunday, September 3, 1939; Neville Chamberlain has just announced to the nation that a state of war exists between Britain and Germany.  Fear grips the nation, because it wasn’t that long ago that they had just finished a war.    Moments later, Maisie Dobbs is called to investigate a murder; one that was done execution style on a Belgian refugee from the first war.

Maisie immediately sets to work on the case with her assistants Billy Beale and Sandra Pickering.  However she is concerned that her client may be holding back vital information.  That same day another man is killed in the same manner.  Are the two cases linked?  If so, how and why?

Meantime, children have been evacuated from London.  Three of them are at the farm where Maisie’s dad and step-mother work.  Her dad puts the two rambunctious boys to work with the horses, however her step-mother is concerned about the little girl who refuses to speak and has no identity card.

Maisie’s latest crisis is quick in coming when she discovers the bodies of two women who might have been able to provide her with more information on her case.  She determines through her research that the men knew each other, either based on where they came from or by escaping Belgium together.  There is another man she hopes to reach soon because he could be a potential victim, too.

Author Jacqueline Winspear’s mystery has two mysteries.  Can the heroine, Maisie Dobbs, and her team solve both before more deaths occur?  Will Maisie’s resolution to be strong hold true?  A good read, and hard to put down.