Wednesday, November 8, 2017

The Blood Card

It is May of 1953 and Britain is preparing for a coronation.  DI Edgar Stephens and his friend Max Mephisto have been asked by General Petre to meet him at Whitehall.  At Whitehall they learn that the man who had recruited them into “The Magic Men” has bee killed.  At the scene an ace of hearts was found on the body.  Max points out that it is known as “The Blood Card”.  Stephens also finds a crossword puzzle that the victim had been working on.  He finds hints that
point the new queen.  Stephens is to go to New York to investigate a lead there.

However, when he returns to Brighton, he is called to the home of a woman who had been recently found dead in the water by the pier.  A note had been received mentioning The Magic Men, plus a flyer with the name of one of the men was found in her caravan; as had been found at the place of the London victim.

When Stephens gets to the USA, he discovers that the man he had been sent to meet has been killed by a hit and run driver.  The police tell Stephens that the victim was a communist.  Could that have anything to do with the killing back in London?

Back at Whitehall, Stephens and Max discover that the general doesn’t exist!  What’s going on?  Later, the general makes an appearance on Stephens’ doorstep.  He tells Stephens the background to his con game.  They agree to meet the next day with Max, however, once again the general doesn’t show up.

Will the threat to the new queen come to fruition?  Author Elly Griffiths’ thriller is just that; a thriller that is a page turner, making the reader want more.  A thoroughly enjoyable read.

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