Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Wolves of the North

Ballista and his men at arms, Maximus, Castricius, Hippothous and Calgacus are headed north to seek out prisoners held by an enemy tribe.  On neutral ground they meet an old enemy, however their host insists that both refrain from hostilities.

A few days later a slave is mutilated just outside the camp.  Who would have done this?  It is not the way of the people through whose land they are travelling.

Away from the river, the travellers now move by wagon train across the Steppe.  It is slow going.  Another mysterious death occurs.  It is the same killer, but who amongst them?  Before they reach their destination they are attacked a couple of times by the Alani.  Finally they are surrounded and outnumbered.  How long will they last?

Fortunately the Heruli cavalry arrives in the nick of time.  Sadly, shortly after one of Ballista’s protégés is found murdered.  The killer is still with them, but who is it?  Not long after this, an attempt is made by Alani warriors to kill Ballista and the leader of the Heruli, and that can only mean one thing - war!

One anticipates many battles in, “Wolves of the North”, but author Harry Sidebottom has taken a different approach.  The travails of Ballista and his familia are given through the thoughts of the members of the familia.  The ending leaves the reader wondering what is next and looking forward to reading the next in the series.  A good read.

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