Monday, February 12, 2018

The Time of the Wolf

Hereward has been forced away from the court in London and heads north to Eoferwic. Before getting there, he saves a young monk by the name of Alric from northmen. Arriving in Eoferwic, the pair hope that their past is truly behind them, but it isn’t long before their enemies find them.

Meanwhile in London, King Edward is busy building a great cathedral, which is to be his legacy.  Around him the Earl of Mercia and Harold Godwinson bicker about who is to succeed the failing king while overseas to the north, King Harald plans an invasion, intent on taking the throne of England. Across the channel, William, Duke of Normandy also has his eyes on the throne of England.

Having been found by their enemies the two friends must escape for their lives. In Flanders Hereward is trained further in combat by a fellow Mercian, Vadir and also in godly behaviour by Alric. Will the pair ever make it back to England?

Early in January 1066, Edward died and shortly thereafter, Harold was crowned King of England. In late September, Viking invaded northern England. Well warned, Harold marched north with a vast army and defeated the Vikings at Stamford Bridge. Only days later, he was informed that William had invaded the south of England. Harold marched his exhausted army south, only to be defeated at Hastings. William now had control of England.

The time was now ripe for Hereward to return to England, to fight the Norman invaders. He could not do it alone. Who will join him? Author James Wilde’s historical novel is moving and intense. Hereward was an English hero, who fought for his country against the Norman invaders, and Wilde tells the story well. I look forward to reading the sequel.

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