Wednesday, May 9, 2018

The Amber Road

Ballista and his men are in Oblia, at the northern edge of the Black Sea, preparing to head north on a mission for the emperor.  Shortly after arriving there, the town is attacked by Goths.  Ballista organises the defense of the city.  Can the badly outnumbered citizens of Oblia prevent the destruction of their city?

Once again on their way, Ballista and his crew head upriver towards where he had grown up.  It will not be an easy passage.  When Ballista and his men get to the headwaters of the Vistula, his uncle informs him that things have changed considerably since he left, and not for the better.  When he arrives home, he finds that his tribe has come under siege by a usurper to the throne of a neighbouring clan.

Can Ballista and his men survive treachery amongst his people and battles with the enemy to complete the mission set out by the emperor?

Author Harry Sidebottom’s historical novel is full of action that brings this story to a climatic end.  The reader is left wondering what is next for Ballista and his men.  All-in-all a very good read.

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