Sunday, July 29, 2018

The Dark Angel

Ruth Galloway has been invited to investigate some mysterious bones in Italy by a renowned Italian archaeologist, Angelo Morelli.  It is perfect timing for her to get away for a bit of a holiday with her daughter, Kate.

When Ruth arrives in Italy, Morelli explains his dilemma; the skeleton had been found intact, but when Morelli was about to unveil it, his phone rang.  Moments later another phone rang, this time the phone was found buried in the skeleton’s hand!

Morelli admits to Ruth that Italians don’t want to find another Roman burial; they have enough of them.  He then shockingly tells her that he thinks someone is trying to kill him.

The following Sunday, Ruth is with the mother of Morelli when they discover the local priest in the church.  He has been murdered.  Ruth mentions to the local police chief an odd thing about the death, which is similar to what was discovered with the skeleton.  It is the following day when DCI Nelson shows up.  He has come because of his concern for Ruth and Kate following an earthquake in Italy.

It is Nelson’s suggestion to the local chief of police that allows the prime suspect for the murder of the priest to go free.  So then, who could the killer be?

Elly Griffith’s novel has a very exciting conclusion with some surprises in store for the reader.  Although the setting up of the conclusion is slowly building anticipation, the final chapters are hard hitting.  A thoroughly enjoyable read.

Friday, July 27, 2018

The Birdwatcher

Detective Sergeant William South didn’t want to head up a murder investigation.  He had good reasons not to.  He is teamed up with DS Alexandra Cupidi, new from the Met.  The victim was someone that South knew, as a matter of fact he lived not far from the victim.

When a local drug dealer disappears, South wonders if it is connected to the murder.  Then a body is found hanging in an abandoned cadets’ hall.  South recognises the name as someone from his past when the body is identified.

The following day, Cupidi tells South that the victim, who he thought he knew, wasn’t that person at all.  He is told to take stress leave after attending a serious road accident.  Shortly after that Cupidi turns cold towards South.  He wonders what he has done.

Author William Shaw has a few surprises up his sleeve before this murder mystery concludes.  There is lots of fast action in the closing pages, which really make the book hard to put down.  A very good read.

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

The Punishment She Deserves

DCS Isabelle Ardrey has been told by her superior at Scotland Yard to take DS Barbara Havers with her to Ludlow to investigate a suicide in custody.  The hope is that Havers will screw up, giving a solid reason for her dismissal.

Based on her first look at the files, Havers questions whether the suicide may have been arrested for no reason at all, other than someone trying to make trouble.  She also feels that there are too many coincidences connected to the suicide.  Things don’t add up in her mind.

Based on her own research, Havers is convinced that there is the possibility that the suicide is actually a murder.  She manages to convince Ardrey of what she has learned.  However, it isn’t long before Ardrey sees Havers’ ideas as pure nonsense.  In her mind their review is done.

Back in London at Scotland Yard, Havers discovers that there is a time lag between when an anonymous call had been made about the suicide and when he was arrested.  However, Ardrey orders her to not include the information in her report.  She asks DI Lynley what to do, and he suggests that she do as ordered.

Lynley, on the other hand takes the original report and passes it on.  As a result he is called on the carpet for that; and he and Havers are are sent back to clearly investigate the suicide, which could be a murder.

As their investigation gains steam, Havers begins to see connections, which she is prepared to stampede towards.  Fortunately Lynley’s cool head prevails.  That coolness and Barbara’s instinct are key.

Once again Elizabeth George has woven an intriguing, sophisticated murder mystery that is hard to put down.  Two thumbs up.

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Fields of Glory

It is 1346 and Edward III is invading France to show that he is truly King of France as well as England.  Sir John de Sully leads one of the groups going to fight for Edward.  Arriving in Normandy, the English are met by a French force, but quick thinking by Sully and Earl Warwick, result in the French being dispersed.

Berenger is the leader of a vintaine, a group of sixteen soldiers, which should have been twenty, and, who have landed with Sully.  Each man of the vintaine is unique.  After seeing a dead black cat hanging in a cottage, one of Berenger’s men is convinced that the enterprise is doomed.  In addition, Berenger and his men have come into conflict with a group of Welshmen.

Meanwhile the French populace run in fear of what the English will do.  Amongst them is a young woman by the name of Beatrice.  Alone, she is in as much danger from Frenchmen as the English.

Caen is a major, walled city in the way of the English.  Take it and the way to Paris would be clear.  This was also the place that Beatrice hoped to be safe.  Surprisingly the English take Caen with relative ease.  Fortunately for Beatrice, she runs into Beringer’s group and Archibald, a powder maker.  Berenger’s group offer her safety.

Rouen is the next major city in the path of the English.  Unable to besiege it, the English army continued eastward on the southern side of the Seine.  At no point were they able to cross the river.  All of the marching drains the army.

At Poissy, the English gain a bridgehead and are able to cross the Seine.  King Edward refuses to do battle with the French on their terms, so he marches his army northwards.  The English march in fear and hunger as the French chase them.  They need to cross the Somme, if they don’t, the French will massacre them against the river.

Author Michael Jeck’s story of the background to the battle at Crécy and that battle itself are clear and vivid.  The reader feels as though they are actually there, participating.  An excellent read and hard to put down.

Wednesday, July 18, 2018


Dunstan and his brother, Wulfric have been left at the abbey of Glastonbury to receive an education.  It would not be an easy time for either boy.  It is here that Dunstan’s storytelling ability starts.

When Wulfric is injured, Dunstan’s training in the forge allows him to make surgical instruments, which help Wulfric live.  Wulfric would lie in a coma for some months.  During that time, the niece of King Aethelstan, Elflaed came to visit.  Dunstan saw her as his way out of Glastonbury.  However, his exit is rather shocking.

Elflaed takes Dunstan to Winchester where the king’s court is.  There he meets his uncle, Athelm, who has an integral role in the court.  He also meets Edmund, brother and heir to the king.  Dunstan finds the city of Winchester a city of temptations, however he is convinced to take holy orders with the Benedictines.

Shortly after that, the king marches north with his army to subdue his enemies.  Dunstan is part of that army, staying close to Edmund.  He would be blooded in a battle that saved the kingdom.  It was some time after this that Aethelstan appoints Dunstan abbot of Glastonbury.  Dunstan is told to get on with his dream of building a great abbey there.

When Aethelstan dies, Dunstan immediately heads to Winchester, hoping to gain from the new king, Edmund.  When Vikings take York, Dunstan counsels Edmund to make peace so that he will have time to build his army.  Edmund would go on to marry and have two sons, but shortly after the birth of the second, he was murdered. 

It is some time before Edmund’s brother, Eadred is crowned.  Not long after that, he asks Dunstan to be his treasurer.  In order to save money for the king,  Dunstan decides to go after the forgers of coins.  Next he takes on the royal mint.  Finally, he looks at the silver mines.  Eadred is pleased with the improved financial situation.

Eadred was never a healthy man, and died ten years into his reign.  The Witan decides to split England in two, giving the southern half to Edwy, eldest son of Edmund, and the northern half to his brother, Edgar.  As soon as he was crowned, Edwy banished   Dunstan flees to Ghent.

Dunstan’s exile ends with the death of Edwy.  Edgar is now to be king.  He appoints Dunstan Archbishop of Canterbury. 

Dunstan will go on to know two more kings in his role as archbishop.  Once again, Conn Iggulden’s masterful storytelling comes to the fore as he weaves the story of Dunstan, taking facts and giving fans of history a grand tale.  As with any historical fiction , Iggulden admits to taking liberties.  This is a story well worth the read.

Friday, July 13, 2018

Killing for Keeps

DCI Kate Daniels, along with her DS Hank Gormley, has been called out to a gruesome murder.  Someone strapped a man to the underside of a van and the drove along the highway, dropping the van off where it would be easily discovered.  It doesn’t take long to identify the victim as a local crime boss.

Once back at the Murder Suite, Daniels is just outlining the situation to her team when in walk a pair of constables.  They inform the team that they have just been to the morgue where they have identified a body, which is the brother of the first victim; he too had been tortured.  Does Daniels have a crime war on her hands?

A “source” provides Daniels with information that may help move the case along.  After that, things seem to go the wrong way.  A young prostitute is killed, and Daniels suspects that she may have had information relevant to the case.

When Superintendent Bright visits the team, he brings valuable information, as does psychologist Jo Soulsby.  Two potential suspects stand out.  Now the team just has to gather the evidence.  Can they do it before more deaths occur?

Author Mari Hannah has a number of surprises in store for the reader.  This was a thoroughly enjoyable read.  I’m looking forward to sequels.

Sunday, July 8, 2018

Ice Blue

Detective Chief Superintendent Anthony Hetheridge is on the verge of turning sixty.  Should he retire or continue in his work?  When a new case comes up, Hetheridge decides to take along DS Kate Wakefield, whom he had recently had to reprimand for a public argument with her superintendent.  It turns out that Hetheridge knows the wife of the victim.

The following morning, DS Paul Bhar joins the team.  He will work hand-in-hand with Wakefield.  They start by questioning witness; could it have been the wife or daughter?  What about the male guest who had been shafted by the victim on a business deal or the daughter’s fiancé?

Later, CCTV evidence shows that the fiancé had entered the victim’s house in the time frame of the killing.  Kate is unsure he is the killer, but they have to arrest him.  He will eventually be released.  Shortly after that, another guest at the original victim’s home is shot in the back.  She had claimed she knew who had killed the victim, but refused to tell Hetheridge.

Can Kate gather the necessary evidence to prove her theory?  Author Emma Jameson’s thriller is a good, quick read.

Monday, July 2, 2018

The Beast in the Red Forest

Inspector Pekkala has been missing for over two years now.  He disappeared while on a mission behind enemy lines.  However, his right hand man, Major Kirov is sure that he is still alive.  Stalin orders Kirov to drop all cases and locate Pekkala; dead or alive.

Kirov finds evidence that Pekkala may be in Ukraine.  It is an area where there are partisans fighting. But on which side is something unknown.  Stalin provides him with the necessary orders to get him there.  Unfortunately Kirov is wounded in an ambush on the partisans.  Pekkala finds him in the hospital, and explains the situation.

Pekkala explains to Kirov that they have a task to prevent the partisans and the Soviet secret agency, SMERSH, from destroying each other.  Could there be a traitor in their midst?

Author Sam Eastland’s latest thriller in the Pekkala series is full of intrigue and suspense.  A thoroughly rollicking read.  I’m looking forward to the next book in the series.

Sunday, July 1, 2018

Murder in Shadow

DS Kathleen Doyle has been called to the scene of a murder.  Strangely the well dressed victim is missing his shoes.  There is another case where the victim’s shoes are also missing.  Doyle wonders if the cases are related.

Meanwhile, Doyle’s husband, who is also Lord Acton, is having to defend his rights to his property against his cousin in court.

Doyle discovers that evidence had been planted in order to convict someone in a particular case, connected to the shoes.  She also learns that her nanny-to-he’s husband is missing.  However, her good friend DI Tomas Williams has also not informed the nanny that he is aware of the man’s death.  What is going on?

With ghosts offering advice, it takes Doyle some time to put things together.

Author Anne Cleeland’s murder mystery is full of misdirection, leading the reader to wonder how it will all work out.  A very good read.