Tuesday, July 24, 2018

The Punishment She Deserves

DCS Isabelle Ardrey has been told by her superior at Scotland Yard to take DS Barbara Havers with her to Ludlow to investigate a suicide in custody.  The hope is that Havers will screw up, giving a solid reason for her dismissal.

Based on her first look at the files, Havers questions whether the suicide may have been arrested for no reason at all, other than someone trying to make trouble.  She also feels that there are too many coincidences connected to the suicide.  Things don’t add up in her mind.

Based on her own research, Havers is convinced that there is the possibility that the suicide is actually a murder.  She manages to convince Ardrey of what she has learned.  However, it isn’t long before Ardrey sees Havers’ ideas as pure nonsense.  In her mind their review is done.

Back in London at Scotland Yard, Havers discovers that there is a time lag between when an anonymous call had been made about the suicide and when he was arrested.  However, Ardrey orders her to not include the information in her report.  She asks DI Lynley what to do, and he suggests that she do as ordered.

Lynley, on the other hand takes the original report and passes it on.  As a result he is called on the carpet for that; and he and Havers are are sent back to clearly investigate the suicide, which could be a murder.

As their investigation gains steam, Havers begins to see connections, which she is prepared to stampede towards.  Fortunately Lynley’s cool head prevails.  That coolness and Barbara’s instinct are key.

Once again Elizabeth George has woven an intriguing, sophisticated murder mystery that is hard to put down.  Two thumbs up.

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