Thursday, January 17, 2019

The Risk of Darkness

DCI Simon Serrailler has been seconded to the North Riding Yorkshire where a child has gone missing.  The evening of his first day there another child is abducted, however this time there are witnesses.  Fortunately this results in the capture of the person who took the child and the release of the child.  Now the police need to find the other child.

The day after returning to his own patch, Serrailler finds himself involved in a hostage taking.  A man has taken Reverend Jane Fitzroy hostage in her home.  Fortunately the hostage taking comes to a safe, positive conclusion.

Forensic evidence shows that the other child had been in the kidnapper’s car.  It also shows that there was another child in there, but who?

Author Susan Hill’s  psychological thriller has many victims in it, from the kidnapped and murdered children to people that are the victims of random acts of violence.  Although none seem related, all are in one way or another.  The reader is left with lots to think about at the end of this novel.

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