Saturday, November 23, 2019

Last Breath

Detective James Peterson has just brought some fish and chips to DCI Erika Foster’s place when he receives a call about a young woman having been found badly beaten to death.  The pair go to the scene, although Foster has no standing with jrhe Murder Investigation Team.  Superintendent Sparks immediately warns her off, yet despite that she questions the three students who had found the body.

The following day she attends the morgue to get information on the victim.  When she later contacts the DCI in charge of the investigation she is again warned off.  Although the Murder Investigation Team has a suspect in custody, Foster isn’t sure that he is capable of having done the deed. She checks on previous similar cases and discovers one, which her friend, forensic pathologist Isaac Strong, worked on.

With what she now knows, can she get back to working for the Murder Investigation Team?  She decides to speak to Sparks.  The following day while at his office Sparks collapses and dies from a heart attack.  The Assistant Commissioner then asks Foster to head up the Murder Investigation Team.

Just as Foster is about to put an appeal out to the public she receives a call informing her that there is another young woman who has disappeared under similar circumstances to the other two.  Foster and her team are shocked to learn that the latest victim is the daughter of a retired Detective Chief Superintendent.

Will they find this young woman before she is killed, or is she going to end up dead in a dumpster? 

Author Robert Bryndza’s latest thriller is fast paced as usual.  Foster is a hard working, gutsy cop, who isn’t afraid to put her neck on the line to gain justice for people who are wronged.  But will that gutsyness bring her down this time.  This is a page turner, which the reader won’t want to put down.

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