Thursday, December 5, 2019

The House of Eyes

DI Wesley Peterson is concerned about a missing nineteen year old girl.  However,  DCI Gerry Heffernan isn’t as concerned because he knows the father, an ex-con.  Apparently, the father claims, a photographer has been stalking her.  She wants to be a model, so when Peterson and DS Rachel Tracy visit the place they are surprised to find nothing amiss.  That is until Peterson notices a stain on the man’s duvet.  Could it be blood?

Later, Peterson’s good friend and archeologist, Dr. Neil Watson, who has been on a dig in Sicily drops by.  He provides Peterson with a picture of the photographer implicated as the stalker.  He had been doing some work in Sicily, but seems to have since disappeared.

The following day, the father of the missing girl is found dead near his work site.  The autopsy shows that he could have been killed by an arrow.  It doesn’t take long for them to come up with a suspect.  Now to bring him in. 

As the investigation progresses, a new suspect is added to the list just after the photographer is arrested.  The pair have a connection, but is either guilty of either crime?

Then, the wife of the man killed is in turn killed nearby where he had been found.  Do they have a serial killer on their hands? 

It is going to take some serious investigative work on the part of Peterson and his team before they can come up with answers.  Peterson also has other issues that he is dealing with while the case is ongoing.  Author Kate Ellis’ latest thriller is full of plot twists with a couple of surprises at the end.  A good quick read.

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