Saturday, August 27, 2011

Spartan Gold

Clive Cussler's story is riven with history.  It starts with Napoleon on a trek in northern Italy, involves the Persian and Greek war and a Nazi submarine.

Cussler's heroes Sam and Remi Fargo discover the Nazi sub while researching something else altogether.  What they find inside the sub leads them on a search that ties all of the above history together.  They use their wealth and hirelings to augment the search.  At first they don't realise that someone else is in search of the same goal.  Hadeon Bonderuk is a Russian mafia lord who will stop at nothing to achieve his goal.  Once the Fargos find out that they have competition, they must keep one step ahead of Bonderuk.

Cussler has written a good thriller, however I was disappointed with his numerous grammatical errors.

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