Monday, September 5, 2011

Beric the Briton

When I first started reading this e-book, I was bothered by the sentence structure.  It seemed very Victorian.  I Googled the author, George Henty, and discovered that the book had not been published in 2010 as indicated, but rather in 1893!  No wonder the sentence structure was Victorian.

It is a good story, about those who rebelled with Boudica against the Roman invaders and what life was like at these times.  Beric, was taken captive and taken to Rome where he would be trained as a gladiator.  Because he saved the life of a Christian lass in front of a huge crowd, he was granted his freedom, but at the expense of having to work for Nero.  Eventually that would lead to his own rebellion and escape from the emperor with some of his compatriots.

If you are a fan of historical novels and don't mind the Victorian sentence structure, this is a good read.

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