Wednesday, September 7, 2011

An Honorable German

Author Charles McCain went to a great deal of research to tell this story.  I was glad to read it because it details life during World War II from a German perspective, in particular a German naval officer.  Max served first upon the Graf Spee, whose naval career was short lived.  It was scuttled in the Rio Plata before the British could pound it with their naval guns.

Max would go on to become a submarine commander and the life of a submariner is well documented.  The story is not all about navy life, but includes Max's love life and what life was like for the ordinary German in Germany during the war.  There was faith in the leadership, but when the British and Americans began to dominate the sky they wondered where the Luftwaffe was.  German radio reports hid the damaging truth that was occurring on the Eastern Front.

For those who enjoy a good historical novel, I recommend this read to you.

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