Wednesday, May 2, 2012

The Astronomer

Amaury Faverges  is a student of theology in Paris in 1534, a time when the Catholic church is under siege from numerous Protestant factions.  When a friend of his is murdered, Amaury is asked by the Inquisition to try to get inside the Lutheran movement to discover their plans.

One of his tasks is to attend a meeting where Jean Calvin was speaking.  There he met a prostitute, Vivienne, with whom Amaury becomes enamoured.  Following the meeting the man tasked with delivering messages on behalf of the Lutherans is murdered.  Amaury is tasked with the job of delivering the messages, and Vivienne joins him.

He is shocked when he arrives at Nerac to discover the woman who was his first love is also there.  When Amaury discovers his friend's murderer he is torn; does he kill him in retribution and risk his assignment or carry on as before?

In his search for evidence, Amaury comes across a document written by Copernicus, which presents evidence to show that the earth revolves around the sun.  The earth is not the centre of the universe as claimed by the church!  Unfortunately, Amaury is betrayed and arrested by the Inquisition.  Beaten and in a dungeon he thinks all hope is lost until his former love, Helene rescues him.

Betrayed, Amaury realises that his friends in Paris are now in jeopardy, as is the astronomer who has proven the sun is the centre of the universe.  He must travel to Paris and beyond to save their lives.  Helene is willing to travel with him.  Will they succeed?

Author Lawrence Goldstone has created an excellent thriller in "The Astronomer".

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