Saturday, May 19, 2012

Call Me Princess

A brutal rape has occurred in Denmark and Detective Louise Rick has been assigned the case.  The victim is unsure of what her attacker looked like, and finally admits that she had met the perpetrator online and that this had been their first meeting and date.

Unable to get any clues on the perp because he had wiped his profile from the dating site, the police are frustrated.  Lieutenant Suhr, Rick's senior officer wants Rick to put herself on the dating site in the hopes of trapping the culprit.

A second rape victim is found while Rick is away for the weekend, only this time the victim has died.  While attending the autopsy, Rick fears that the victim is her friend Camilla when the sheet covering the victim is removed from her face and hair similar to Camilla's is revealed.  Rick knew that Camilla had a date this weekend with a new online friend.  Fortunately for Camilla it is not her.

The investigation runs into difficulty when they go through the victims' computers looking for the culprit's emails.  He used different ISPs for his contacts.  Fortunately they do manage to glimpse his profile on a CCTV film with the second victim.  They hope to catch him at an online dating event, and although Rick sees him the police are unable to apprehend him.  Can she find him online and rouse his interest?

Author Sara Blaedel has written a thrilling conclusion to this mystery novel.

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