Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Dead Image

England, 1874 and goods are transported either by canal barge or trains.  When a canal barge explodes for no reason, Scotland Yard Sergeant Earnest Best is assigned the task of determining the cause and identifying the young lad and young woman who died in he explosion.  Were Fenians behind the explosion?

An autopsy determines that the young woman had been stabbed.  Constable Smith, who has been assigned to work alongside Sergeant Best, with the aid of his mother, who takes in laundry, determine that the young woman was working class, but not hard labour.

A barmaid is reported missing.  But that was too early; however not if she was kept in a cool place Best's Chief Inspector suggests.  Best investigates an ice house, however the body of the barmaid turns up shortly after.  When a young woman comes to Best about her younger sister being missing, he thinks he might be on the right track, but the young woman continually provides him with mixed messages, so Best is angered and confused.

The lead suspect turns up dead while Best searches for him and Constable Smith discovers that the missing woman had 'been spoken for' and he now knows by whom.  However, author Joan Lock throws a twist at the reader when Best discovers a new potential identity for the female victim and Smith discovers that the paramour is missing as well!

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