Friday, June 15, 2012

The Ring of Death

DCI Monika Poniatowski  has been handed her second murder case and a new DS who haas just returned from sick leave.  DS Cousins had been declared mentally unfit for work following the death of his wife.  Monika was unsure whether he was one of the old boys club who didn't want a female DCI.  He allays her fears when he uses his contacts to find out that the victim was a Para involved in "Bloody Sunday".

A real monkey wrench is thrown at her team when a man from 'the' ministry tells her to keep him abreast of the investigation.  A second similar murder makes the investigating team wonder if there are any connections.  Poniatowski sets one of her team to spying on the spy, but here hands are seemingly tied when her boss is forced to follow the orders of the ministry.

Could the IRA be involved?  After all, it is the time of The Troubles in Ireland.  When Monika and her team investigate that lead they find themselves in a quandary.  Later two more men are murdered, and their bodies left on the local football pitch.  What does it all mean?

Author Sally Spencer gives the reader a shocking, unexpected and totally surprising conclusion to this excellent murder mystery.

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