Sunday, August 12, 2012

The Secret Speech

Leo Stepanovich Demidov is a former MGB agent during the reign of Stalin  and is now, in 1956, in charge of a murder squad.  He has since married and adopted two girls, one of whom hates him for what he did to their family.  His past is now about to come and haunt him and his fellow former agents under the rule of Khrushchev.

Khrushchev has made a speech in which he denigrates all that Stalin did.  Those that suffered under Stalin look for revenge.  Demidov and his former colleagues are now targets.  Demidov's eldest daughter, Zoya, is kidnapped and his wife, Raisa, is severely injured during the kidnap.  A few hours later he finds out from the wife of a priest he had arranged to have arrested is behind the terror.  She demands he arrange the release of her husband from a gulag or she will kill Zoya.

Demidov travels to the gulag in question and after receiving a punishment from the prisoners manages to free Lazar.  Meantime Zoya tries to become a part of the gang that has imprisoned her.  When Demidov returns to Moscow, he is in for a terrible shock.

Author Tom Rob Smith spins an interesting thriller that takes the reader throughout the Soviet dominated world of 1956 bringing to life the terror the citizens of those nations lived under at the time.

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