Friday, November 9, 2012

Cold Comfort

Gunna Gisladottir has been promoted to the Serious Crime Unit in Reykjavik where she finds herself in charge of a murder investigation of a once famous celebrity.  In addition to this case, her right hand man Helgi Svavarsson, is looking for Long Omni Magnusson, an escaped convict.  It would appear that Magnusson has beaten up a couple of men since his release.

The investigation into the death of the celebrity brings up some unexpected dirt and points to prostitution, a syndicate, and conspiracy.  It forces Gunna to dig deeper.  Meantime Helgi discovers where Magnusson is; he wants to watch him to try figure just exactly what the escapee is up to before bringing him in.

When Helgi captures Magnusson, his girlfriend and a drug pusher, things start to point to a conspiracy to cover up a murder for which Magnusson was being paid to serve the time.  As more evidence comes to light, Gunna and her team try to assemble it into something meaningful.  She wonders if the two murders are tied together in some way.

Author Quentin Bates provides some very interesting twists to this murder mystery before drawing it to a conclusion.  This was a great sequel to "Frozen Assets", a book I found hard to put down.  Fans of murder mysteries are sure to enjoy the read.

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