Monday, November 12, 2012

Last Seen in Massilia

It is 49, B. C.; Caesar has Massilia under siege and Gordianus the Finder is on his way there with his son-in-law, Davus, when they stumble upon a temple to Artemis.  A soothsayer that comes out of the shadows knowingly states the reason for Gordianus being there is because he is in search of his son Meto.  How could he know this?

By a miracle Gordianus and Davus get inside Massilia, where they find out that Meto was discovered to be a spy, and died as a result.  While waiting for more news, they see a young woman fall, or was she pushed off a cliff into the sea?  Gordianus is asked by the father of the young woman to investigate.  What he finds out comes as a shock to many.

Caesar does indeed take Massilia, but that is not the surprising conclusion that author Steve Saylor has in wait for the reader.  A good historical novel, based on a real event, and a nice quick read.

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