Thursday, December 13, 2012

A Dublin Student Doctor

Dr. Fingal O'Reilly and his partner Dr. Barry Laverty are on their way home when they come across a motorcycle accident involving a young man from their town of Ballybucklebo.  Fingal travels to the hospital in Belfast with the patient.  The neurosurgeon is an old friend and classmate of Fingal's, which spurs on memories of how he became a GP.

Fingal had wanted to become a doctor since he was a lad, contrary to his father's wishes.  He ended up joining the merchant navy in order to get the necessary funds to attend university.  His first teaching hospital is Sir Patrick Dun's Hospital in Dublin.  On the first day, he is distracted by a grey-eyed student nurse.

As Fingal and his friends continue with their studies at the teaching hospital, Fingal is able to occasionally see the nurse.  Fingal makes close connections with his patients and when one dies he takes it hard.  He goes to visit his brother, but is unable to get back to Dublin in time.  His opportunity to become a doctor is jeopardised as a result.

His commitment to rugby results in missed classes and a failure on one of his exams.  At the same time, Fingal's father is diagnosed with leukaemia.  Fingal needs to focus on his studies in order to graduate with his friends, and as a result he loses Kitty, the grey-eyed nurse.

Another great read by author Patrick Taylor.  This is the sixth book in the Irish Country series by Patrick Taylor. 

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