Sunday, December 23, 2012

The Triumph of Caesar

Gordianus has returned from Egypt and been called to attend Calpurnia, wife of Caesar.  She fears that his life is in danger.  Caesar doesn't realise it because he is so busy preparing for his triumphs.  Gordianus is reluctant to take the task of searching for the villains on, but when Calpurnia shows Gordianus the body of his friend Hieronymus, who had also been tasked with the same object, he decides to do it for his late friend.

Gordianus checks with Antony who seems to harbour some grudges against Caesar.  Next he looks to the prisoner Vercingetorix, but neither man can shed light on the impending troubles of Caesar.

When Gordianus checks in on Cicero, he is introduced to Brutus.  Can these two be conspirators against Caesar?  What of Cleopatra, Caesar's mistress, who is in Rome at the moment?  Could Arsinoe, Cleopatra's sister, who is to be executed following the Egyptian triumph be the force behind the plan.  Gordianus' investigation are leading him nowhere, it seems.

Gordianus' daughter Diana joins him in perusing the notes of Hieronymus.  He is impressed at how perceptive she is.  Maybe together the two of them can solve the case.  Author Steven Saylor does a good job of taking the reader to ancient Rome.

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