Monday, January 21, 2013

Garment of Shadows

In the sequel to "Pirate King", Sherlock Holmes' young wife, Mary Russell has gone missing in Morroco.

Mary awakens inside a room, aching all over, her head throbbing and blood on her hands.  She is unsure as to what has happened to her and as to who she is.  She knows that she must escape, and does so just before French soldiers appear.  Later amongst her possessions she finds a scrap of onion skin upon which appears a crudely made capital A.  She is unsure of its meaning, but for some reason it appears to mean 'the clock of the sorcerer'.  She feels she needs to search it out.

As Mary explores the city in which she has found herself, vague memories penetrate her aching head.  She also finds out that Morocco is on the verge of civil war.

As Holmes begins his investigation into the disappearance of Mary, he finds out that she has simply walked out into the dessert holding the hand of a child.  When he searches her valise he discovers her passport and wedding ring.  It is as if she didn't want her identity known, wherever she was going.

When Mary does show up where Holmes is staying, it appears that she is suffering from amnesia.  After bathing, being fed and a good rest, Mary's memory begins to return.

Although Mary's memory hasn't returned completely, she finds that Holmes, the Resident General and herself have been tasked with meeting with a rebel leader.  Someone doesn't like what they are doing, and abduct both Mary and Holmes in different places.  There is only one conclusion left, that there is a traitor in their midst.  ow will they get free and find the traitor?

Author Laurie R. King provides the reader with some interesting twists to the story as she draws it to a conclusion.  A good read.

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