Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Instrument of Slaughter

Inspector Harvey Marmion and Sergeant Joe Keedy have been given the sad task of informing a father that his son has been cruelly murdered.  The victim is a pacifist who had just attended a meeting against the recent bill passed to impose conscription.  While going through his bedroom, they discover a picture of a married woman.  Was the man a victim of a jealous husband?  The victim's three friends are overcome with a sense of panic.

Marmion and Keedy's investigation turns up the fact that the victim had a secret woman friend.  They also have two possible suspects, but both seem to have readily available alibis.  When a second attack occurs, Marmion's supervisor seems to think they are tied together.  Marmion isn't so sure.

Author Edward Marston throws a couple of curve balls at the reader before presenting us with the solution to the crime.  An enjoyable read.

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