Saturday, September 28, 2013

Mist Over the Water

Morcar has been eel hunting and accidentally stabbed himself in the foot with an eel spear.  His mother has come to the healer, Edild and her protege, Lassair for help.  Lassair is not prepared when she is told by Edild that she, as an apprentice must go and look after Morcar.  Lassair is also tasked by Edild to find the secret way across the fen to Ely.

When Morcar wakes from his fever, he tells Lassair and her friend Sibert a horrifying story of what happened to him.  He is fearful that they are all in danger now.  His fear comes to fruition when Sibert reports a murder in Ely.  They realise that the victim was dressed similarly to the way Morcar had been. Lassair decides the two men must escape while she stays behind to maintain the pretence of healing her cousin.

Having gotten Morcar to safety, Lassair and Sibert set about the cause of the attack on Morcar.  They find out that a pale young man is being held by the monks against his will and that the new cathedral under construction is haunted.  They fear now that they are in danger, stay or go?  Sibert also wants to know the story behind his father's death at Ely.

Lassair decides to infiltrate the abbey disguised as a nun.  Unbeknownst to her Sibert takes off on a journey of his own.  Hrype, sensing danger, comes from the fens to help out.  Each goes in search of their quest and learns new truths that shock.  It also endangers all involved.

Author Alys Clare has put together an exciting historical thriller.  A good read.

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