Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Water-Blue Eyes

Inspector Leo Caldas,  and his subordinate Rafael Estevez have been tasked with the investigation of the murder of a saxophonist who lived in an exclusive high rise.  It is a rather gruesome murder, with the victim dying in excruciating pain.

The pathologist tells Caldas that the victim was injected with formaldehyde.  Obviously the culprit had to have extensive medical knowledge.  Because the victim was gay, Caldas looks for a male doctor or nurse who would have knowledge of what formaldehyde can do to body tissue.

Two of the men that Caldas and his subordinate have questioned have disappeared.  Caldas has another issue, that being his temperamental assistant, Estevez.  They are shocked when one of the men they were supposed to have a follow-up meeting with is killed.  Pictures found on the computer of the victim are very revealing.  That discovery leads to a case of blackmail.  Is the person being blackmailed the murderer?

A faint memory of a phone call to the talk show Caldas participated in helps him to follow a new lead.  Author Domingo Villar surprises the reader with the solution to the crime.  "Water-Blue Eyes" is a good first novel.

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