Saturday, October 19, 2013

I Hear Sirens in the Street

DI Sean Duffy, and DC McCrabben have found a torso in a suitcase in an abandoned plant in Belfast.  Dr. Laura Cathcart, after doing the autopsy, informs the detectives that the man had been poisoned and his body kept in a freezer.

Duffy finds out that the poison used is very toxic, acting in a matter of minutes.  Is this death associated with "The Troubles"?  If so, it has come at an inopportune time as the Argentines have just invaded The Falklands.  In order to deal with that, Thatcher will have to pull troops out of Northern  Ireland.

An identity card in the suitcase leads Duffy to a farm in search of the owner.  He finds out that the owner had been gunned down by the IRA sometime earlier.  However, the circumstances of his death don't sit well with Duffy.

A break in the investigation gives the team a possible name.  The victim appears to be an American.  Unfortunately the information is of no help, nor is the funny phone call and note Duffy receives.  This leads Duffy off to the U. S. A.  What he finds leads to more mayhem and violence.

Author Adrian McKinty has written another excellent thriller, hard to put down.

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