Sunday, October 27, 2013

The Judas Sheep

A woman has been kidnapped at gunpoint, and her chauffeur murdered.  DI Charlie Priest is now wanted by the Assistant Commissioner to come off his sick leave and take over the investigation.  Priest questions the husband and he states that the wife isn't missing, just gone.  He also tells Priest that he had the car the chauffeur had been driving given a thorough cleaning because it was muddy.  It seems a little suspicious to the reader, but Priest does nothing about it.

Later, bullets from the same rifle that killed the chauffeur turn up in the body of a lorry driver.  His lorry had been burned in the hopes of hiding the evidence, and had been carrying a load of cigarettes for the south of France.  Meantime, Priest is bored with sick leave, so he accepts an assignment to spy on a drug ring.  Later Priest and his girlfriend are followed after the house next door to where he was doing surveillance from burns.  Fortunately his high powered Jaguar allows him to make an escape.

As the police investigation progresses, they are able to tie the kidnapping and some murders together with the highjacked lorry.    Author Stuart Pawson puts together a gripping conclusion to this murder mystery thriller.  A very good read.

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