Friday, November 1, 2013

A Question of Identity

It is 2002 and Alan Keyes has just been found not guilty on three different counts of murdering elderly women.  His wife is afraid to return to their home, but she must.  Meantime Keyes has been taken into police custody for his own safety.  The crowd outside the courthouse is baying for his blood.

The story moves on to a period ten years later.  A small community for senior citizens has been built.  It isn't long after moving in that an 80 year old woman is found strangled in her home.  DCS Simon Serailler, just returned from a two week leave, finds himself SIO.  The murderer obviously knows his way around because no evidence has been left behind.

It isn't long before the police apprehend a suspect, and announce it to the public.  However, shortly after that another murder occurs in the same housing subdivision; the same MO.  Later DCI Nathan Coates calls Serailler and informs him of a case that has been tucked away, with only a few in the know about it.  The MO is exactly the same as Serailler's two current cases.

The team comes to the realisation, after extensive investigation, that the killer's ID is known to them, however, all documentation of him has been hidden to protect his identity.  How to get that information and then get the culprit?

Author Susan Hill, despite getting this murder mystery off to a very slow start, has created a tense thriller.  A good read.

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