Saturday, November 9, 2013

The Bomber

Victoria Stadium in Stockholm has just experienced a bombing, and is now in flames.  Annika Bengtzon has been awoken by her editor and told to attend the scene.  Through her connections, she is able to determine that the security alarms had been turned off and that there was a body blown to bits in the stadium. 

As the news team plans how to attack the story, questions arise, such as is this an attempt to prevent the Olympics from going on?  Why was the security compromised?  Who was the body?  Was it a murder, a suicide, or an accident?

When Annika's team look for information on the Head of the Olympics, Christina Furhage, they discover that her information is blocked to them, which is very unusual.  However, later at a police news conference, it is announced that the victim of the bombing is indeed Furhage.

Bengtzon's delving into archives turns up the fact that Furhage had been married before and has a son, besides a daughter.  What she learns leads to some speculations.  Although Bengtzon had fought against the terrorism angle, that is thrown out the window when a second bombing occurs.  A man, possibly associated with Furhage, is killed.  Bengtzon's source at the police tells her that they are close to making an arrest.  Shortly before Christmas a third bombing occurs.

Author Liza Marklund builds tension in this novel right up to its ultimate conclusion.  An exciting read.  I am looking forward to reading the next in the series, 'Vanished'.

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